Musicologie Médiévale

The Musicologie Médiévale Association was created in 2006 at a meeting between Dominique Crochu and Dominique Gatté. The Gregofacsimil site was opened in 2007 and published a musical edition of the responses present in Hartker’s antiphonary. Dominique Crochu had been preparing this work since 1982. At the same time, the site published the Manuscrits Internet file which was developed by Dominique Gatté, and which became MMMO in 2016. In 2009, Dominique Gatté created the Musicologie Médiévale network, bringing together more than 3000 members as well as researchers and interpreters. The Musicologie Médiévale Network has been a partner of DIAMM (Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music, Oxford Faculty of Music) since 2012. In 2016, the MMMO Database (Medieval music manuscripts online database) was created, and is part of the Cantus Index Network let by Debra Lacoste (University of Waterloo).

In 2021, Musicologie Médiévale became an association in accordance with the French law of 1901, with the aim of promoting the dissemination of research in music, musicology and medieval liturgy through scientific research and musical practice, the creation and administration of websites, and cultural and scientific events, through material and virtual publishing. The Association also houses research groups such as the MMMO scientific committee and the Centre d’Etudes de Paléographie Musicale (CEPM).

The websites administered by the Musicologie Médiévale association:
