Krste Karcheski

Krste plays a guitar in local alternative music band "The Hounds".

"I think that music is not a subject of conversation for most young people. Not even in the top 10. And that is not a good thing. And the activists and people in politics should be very concerned about this."

Q: What are the most fulfilling and most challenging aspects of your job?

The most fulfilling and challenging aspect of my job is getting back home after a gig.

Q: Please describe some examples (things you have personally witnessed) that show how music can contribute to civic engagement among young people. For instance, how through music do young people become more involved in improving their community, or more socially engaged and politically active, or concerned about global challenges?

First there is a big difference between political activism and making the community a better place. On the contrary we encourage young people to stay away from politics, if they want to make the community a better place. But unfortunately, more and more young people are getting involved in politics for the wrong reasons.

Q: Based on your experience, have discussions of music and society among young people generally changed over the years due to different historical conditions? If so, how and why?

I think that music is not a subject of conversation in most young people. Not even in the top 10. And that is not a good thing. And the activists and people in politics should be very concerned about this.

I honestly don't know how you discuss music, but usualy it goes this way:

- Have you heard of this band?

- Yeah, they are awesome ... also you should listen to this ...

- I’ve heard this band has released new material ... I know ...

and nobody cares about the historical time frame.

Q: What is the most interesting story you can share about how music impacts young people?

You should go to one of the few remaining clubs and personally witness all the interesting stories first-hand.

Q: What kind of new methods in work with young people would be helpful in your work? What should be the purpose of these methods?

To be able to do that, first you have to make the other aspects of our surroundings better. You have to make the quality of life in our community better. You have to give young people a better place to live. After that, young people will get more and more involved in culture and music.

July 2021