
In Latvia in the interviews participated and shared their experiences:

Agnese Slišāne – an economics, business and project management teacher at Ogre 1st secondary school, a research assistant, a lecturer and PhD candidate at the University of Latvia

Anna Marta Burve – a radio presenter at “Latvia Radio 3”, a teacher at Emīls Dārziņš Secondary School of Music, a writer at magazine “Mūzikas Saule” (Music Sun)

Dārta Ošeniece – an editor of the audiovisual content of the news service at “Latvia Radio”, was a representative of the AWARD in Latvia provided by the State Education Content Center

Ginta Salmiņa - a non-formal education trainer, a mentor, a project manager, a member of the board NGO “Baltijas Reģionālais fonds”

Gundega Šmite – a Latvian composer, a lecturer at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, PhD in arts from the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music

Ilze Rusova – a music teacher at private music school “Muzikālā Darbnīca” and a deputy director at Bolderāja School of Music and Art

Kristaps Kiršteins - a music teacher at Ogre State Gymnasium, a vocal teacher and a leader of the Contemporary Rhythm Music department of the art and theatre school “Baltais flīģelis” (The White Grand Piano).

Kristīne Kode – a manager of the NGO “IDEA”, an ex youth affairs specialist in the Jelgava County Council

Līva Blūma - a Latvian composer, a singer and a mental - health activist

Zane Rožkalna – a teacher and a project manager at the NGO “Bērnu un jauniešu mūzikas klubs” (Children’s and Youth Music Club) and private music school “BJMK Rokskola” (BJMK Rockschool)

Thank you very much for response, involvement and your time!