Music Talks, Erasmus+ Project

bringing awareness to social issues and developing social skills through music

We are a team of researchers, youth workers and mentors from Latvia, North Macedonia and Norway. We appreciate music and believe in its great power to tear down social and economic barriers and create a common language for everyone.

Nodibinājums "Baltijas Reģionālais fonds" (Latvia) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) which aims to develop, encourage and support creative ideas with the help of training, projects and consultations. We open the door to new experiences, knowledge and opportunities.

"Tava mūzikas skola" (Latvia) is a music school for adults, children and young people, where you can develop your personality, creative abilities and, of course, learn music. Great emphasis is placed on research and innovation, especially on technology.

Info-front Prilep (North Macedonia) is a youth NGO focused on gender equality and youth participation, especially marginalized youngsters to help them reintegrate into society. Info front- Prilep is a Macedonian branch of Loesje International, an international activist organisation standing for human rights and freedom of speech and the publisher of the free youth magazine MYG.

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway) is one of the largest higher education institutions in Norway, with a long history in the fields of arts, teacher education, and research.

The Music Talks Project is all about finding new ways of bringing awareness to social issues and developing social skills through exploring music and sharing opinions in a fun and meaningful way. We hope to inspire you with music that is loved all around the world!

Main results of the project:

#1 Research on more than 300 young people aged 15-25 in Latvia, North Macedonia and Norway studying their music listening habits, what they think about active citizenship and interviews with 30 youth workers, teachers and experts to analyse the competencies necessary for the realisation of the project goals.

#2 Methodology developing innovative learning methods for youth workers, teachers and youth to be able to facilitate discussion of social issues and music both in non-formal and formal settings.

#3 Videos with instructions to support use of our innovative methods.

The project “Music Talks/ Mūzikas Sarunas” is financed with the support of the European Commission’s “Erasmus+: Youth in Action” administered in Latvia by the Agency for International Programs for Youth. This publication reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.