
Watch my Soapbox Science Munich 2021 online live talk on YouTube! Soapbox Science is an international initiative to promote women in science to the public. The experience was incredibly fun, and the team was inspiring: from talk training to online event streaming, everything is extremely professional, and everyone was a volunteer! Soapbox Science has many branches worldwide, and I highly recommend you to check out their website and participate in one of their events.

On the record hot weekend in Germany this summer (end of June, 2019), I visited my friend in Heidelberg on the way to a work trip. My friend persuaded me to volunteer and teach some astronomy to the 4-10 years old Chinese-German children in the local Chinese school. We made the pocket solar system on Saturday evening, and the activity was so well received, that we got to do it again for another group of children on Sunday!

I am helping to translate (from Chinese into English) an amazing website on ice-climbing in China by Chuan (River) He (河川). He made a tremendous effort to offer free information on the most wonderful ice-climbing destinations in China. It is still work in progress, but it's going to be great!

I was a volunteer teacher for the Prison Teaching Initiative (PTI) in New Jersey state prisons for three years, teaching math and astronomy. I was also a teaching assistant for the introductory astronomy course for humanity students (AST203) at Princeton University.

I was one of the main organizers of the Public Observing event in the Astrophysics Department in Princeton for about four years. Here is an article about it.

I was the treasurer of the Princeton University Mountaineering Club (PUMC) for four years, and organized trips and events such as hiking, climbing, and movie screening.