In My Life

I keep my personal blog here. If I'm not updating it, it is probably because I am busy with research and my other passion, climbing ;)

Yes, you heard it, I love climbing. Rock climbing primarily, but also easy alpine and ice climbing. In the winter, I often venture to the snowy Alps for easy ski-touring. If you share the same interest, don't hesitate to contact me, and perhaps we can meet up climbing after one of these conferences! If you have no idea what climbing is, I also enjoy taking beginners to the climbing gym, and have a proud record of converting people to climbing - just ask me!

I recently made a video of my climbing trip in Spain during 2019-2020 winter as my fun quarantine project. Hope you can enjoy the taste of travel from home :)

Frankenjura, Germany
Wilder Kaiser, Austria
Pfalz, Germany
Dômes de Miage, Chamonix
Vallée Blanche, Chamonix
Schrankogel Skigipfel, Austria
Dry tooling competition, Shuang-Qiao Valley, China
Ice climbing, Shuang-Qiao Valley, China
Sport climbing in a cave, Yang-Shuo, China
Heart of Darkness, Joshua Tree
Top of Half Dome via Snake Dike, Yosemite
Top of Castleton tower via North Face, Utah
Solar Eclipse 2017, Idaho Falls
Alaska coast
Sunset at Presanella, Italy