Academic Writing and Communication


Class Schedule

TTKI - A-Z Glossary.pdf

A-Z Glossary

This A-Z Glossary provides you with the definitions of key publishing terms you’re likely to come across while you move through each step of your research publishing journey. Understanding these key definitions will help you make important decisions about your publication. You’ll also be able to gain further understanding about the wider academic publishing landscape.

TTKI - Academic Communication.pdf

Academic Communication

This lecture briefly describes the purpose of academic communication; but before, you will find some basic concepts related to communication, such as the definition, the functions, forms, models, and communication style. 

TTKI - Listening.pdf


In this mini lecture, you will find tips of being a good listener, listening strategy, and some listening barriers.

TTKI - Speaking 1.pdf

Preparing for a Speech

This lecture (in Bahasa) begins with the definition of rhetoric and its basic principles. Next, it describes methods of delivering a speech. Finally, it presents how to prepare a good speech.

PTID6310 - Academic Conference.pdf

Academic Conference

This lecture provides you with guidelines if you are willing to attend an academic conference as a presenter (in a parallel session or in a poster session). It also explores the quality of conference, how to avoid predatory conference, as well as benefits of attending an academic conference.

TTKI - The quality of academic papers.pdf

The Quality of Academic Papers

This lecture explains how to assess the quality of academic papers. Some metrics are provides, including journal-level metrics (e.g., JIF, SJR, SNIP), article-level metrics, and author-level metrics (h-index). It is basic and fundamental as you may start your "reading" section. 

TTKI - Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia.pdf

Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia

This (mini) lecture (in Bahasa) will provide you with the history and development of "Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia". It starts with Ejaan van Ophuisjen (1901) and ends with Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia (2015-present). The features of Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia are left for individual assignment. 

TTKI - Kata Serapan.pdf

Kata Serapan dalam Bahasa Indonesia

This lecture (in Bahasa) will give you some information about the etymology of words in Bahasa. Vocabularies in Bahasa were derived from three sources: Malay/Indonesia itself, "Nusantara" languages (or Bahasa Daerah), and foreign languages (e.g., English, Dutch, Portuguese, Latin, Sanskrit, Tamil, etc.)  

TTKI - Critical Reading.pdf

Critical Reading

This (mini) lecture will provide you with the concept of "critical reading" that is very useful for your reading journey. It comprises with how to prepare critical reading; critical thinking leads to critical reading; scanning and skimming; how to take notes, and how to cope with difficult content.

TTKI - Literature Review.pdf

Literature Review

This lecture will guide you to write a literature review. It starts with the importance of the review, types of the review, general steps for conducting the review, as well as the structure of the review. A practical guidance will be given in the class, including how to search articles in the Scopus database and using the VOSViewer software to perform science mapping.

TTKI - Structure of Writing.pdf

The Structure of an Academic Paper

This lecture describes the structure of an academic paper. The IMRaD (Introduction-Methods-Results-and-Discussion) format is explained, with the addition of "Title", "Abstract", "Conclusion", "Acknowledgments", and "References". Tips on how to write in each section are also briefly discussed.

TTKI - Paragraf yang Efektif.pdf

Paragraf yang Efektif

In this lecture (in Bahasa), you will find how to effectively build a paragraph. This describes the structure of the paragraph and how to "build" a paragraph, including: (i) kesatuan, (ii) koherensi, dan (iii) pengembangan. 

TTKI - Kalimat yang Efektif.pdf

Kalimat yang Efektif

In this lecture (in Bahasa), you will find how to effectively create a sentence. There are six sections to be explained: (i) kesatuan gagasan, (ii) koherensi yang baik, (iii) penakanan, (iv) variasi, (v) paralelisme, dan (vi) logika (penalaran). Some right or wrong examples are also provided.

TTKI - Research Ethics.pdf

Research Ethics

This (mini) lecture will provide you with the concept of research ethics. It begins with some ethical principles, e.g., honesty, integrity, and openness. It also describes some misconducts practices, such as falsification, fabrication, and plagiarism. Finally, it discusses the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the practices of misconducts.

Webinars (Academic Year 2023/2024)

Bisa Presentasi_Lia Maduma.pdf

Bisa Presentasi!

23 Maret 2024 - Pada webinar ini, Kak Lia Maduma akan berbagi terkait kiat-kiat public speaking, bagaimana membuat kerangka, cara membuka dan menutup presentasi, serta tips dan trik untuk mengatasi rasa takut tampil di depan umum.  

TTKI Webinar 2.pdf

Desain Presentasi yang Lebih Ergonomis

18 Mei 2024 - Pada webinar ini, Kak Anugra Dewa akan berbagi tips bagaimana membuat desain presentasi yang lebih ergonomis. 

Assignments (Academic Year 2023/2024)

Projects (Academic Year 2023/2024)

Submit Project II

Data for Project II*

You can, by the way, use your own dataset (from official sources) after getting approval from the instructor