A Roller Coaster of Emotions

By Madhumita Kannan '22

We’re almost four months into the lockdown now, and things are slowly starting to change. Although social distancing is still the norm, in light of recent protests, there have been rising concerns over proper social distancing procedures. Restaurants continue to limit their options to take-out and delivery, and a few clinics have opened with strict safety precautions.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy believes that “data determines dates” and will make decisions according to the statistics of the virus.

At this point, students have grown accustomed to virtual learning and continue to complete their work accordingly. Students have been continuously using applications such as FaceTime and Zoom to maintain their connections with others.

Unfortunately, seniors were unable to have a typical graduation, but a virtual graduation will air on June 19th. Given the circumstances, the school has taken all the necessary precautions to have the best possible graduation. However, there will be a reunion for the Class of 2020 to gain closure and interact with their peers and teachers sometime in the coming year.

As of now, the best we can do is hope for things to improve and do our best to follow what is advised by the state.