Exam Info 2020

Your mid-term exams start Monday January 14th. The exams will go in order of grades starting from grade 9 to grade 12. Please click on link below to look at the schedule.

Remember the following:

1) Be there at least 15 minutes before your scheduled time to warm up.

2) Set up and prepare yourself in practice room B or C (whichever is empty)

3) Have your log sheet with you to submit

4) Have your music book with you.

Grade 9 You will be playing a scale from your Standard of Excellence book. You will be playing a piece that you will read at first sight (sight reading). Practice reading random pieces from your technique book. This will prepare you for this part of the exam. You will be playing a prepared piece. This piece can be found on page 36 and 37 in your Standard of Excellence Books.

Grade 10-12 You will be playing a scale from your Standard of Excellence book. You will be playing a piece that you will read at first sight (sight reading). Practice reading random pieces from your technique book. This will prepare you for this part of the exam.

Grade 10-12 students will find the piece you need to prepare below. If you cannot find your piece please come and see me.

Thank you.

Grade 10 - 12 Exams

Mid Term Exam schedule January 2020.pdf