About the MSS - Dedicated to the study,exploration, and conservation of caves.
The MSS is the Minnesota chapter, or grotto, of the National Speleological Society (NSS). We are a non-profit MN corporation and have no paid staff, all our activities and programs are the result of the many dedicated volunteers.
MSS membership consists of many different people from all walks of life. Our membership include both people involved with karst professionally (geologists, engineers, etc) and people whose hobby is caving.We have members that are underground every weekend and we have members that never go caving.
Our grotto is active in:
- Cave exploration
- Cave mapping
- Historical use of caves
- Cave, karst, and groundwater protection
- Cave rescue resource (training, equipment, people)
- Biological studies
- Education of public-at-large
- Media liaisons for cave and karst articles
- Information resource
- for government and private construction projects
- Reconnaissance of caves and sinkholes, at the request of landowners
- Cave research (photo analysis) on other planets
- Archeological excavations
- Cave electronics
- Other areas
Our Board:
- President: Nick Seaton
- Vice President: Brian Lee
- Director of Publications: Hannah Lieffring
- Treasurer: Janelle Frechette
- Secretary: Dave Gerboth
The MSS is governed by a Board of five MSS members, who serve a 12 month term. In addition to the Board, there are non-board positions where MSS members support the grotto. Full details of elections are outlined in the bylaws of the MSS.
PO Box 270382
Vadnais Heights MN 55127