Social Studies

Welcome to Social Studies!

Hi parents! Welcome to social studies. Just before we left we started the I belong unit. We will look at various ways we belong. Throughout the next couple of weeks, we will be building our own community on Mars!


You have landed on Mars! There is no life here. I want you to think about the different things we need to build on Mars. Do we need a hospital, police station, school, fast food places etc.

Week 1: Start a drawing on a hospital that you think we would need on Mars. How does it look like from the outside? How many levels is it? What color is it?

Week 2: Now that we have a police station, who is going to protect us? We need a police station! Draw a police station that you think will be the best on Mars.

Week 3: Now that we have the hospital and police station, where will we get food from? Please draw your favorite places where you like to eat food from! You could draw a superstore and a Wendy's. Please draw atleast two.

Week 4: As buildings get built, more people arrive onto Mars. With these people, come their children. What do we need for these children so they can learn everyday? Draw a school and name that school of your choice.

Week 6: Draw a shopping mall. Where will everyone shop? How does it look like?

Earth Day Prompt

In addition for Earth Day, I want students to draw a recycling plant. Please watch this video with your child and have them go through the process.

Community Helpers

Community helpers are the people that help our communities stay safe and clean.

  • Please watch this video first and do the brainpop work.

  • Pick one community helper and draw them. Complete the sentences: I chose the community helper__________ because _______________. This community helper's job is_______________________.


Please answer the following questions after watching video from

What is a home?

What are homes made of?

Draw your dream home.

Rural, Suburban and Urban

Please watch the brainpop video and answer the following questions:

What is a rural area? Draw it.

What is a suburban area? Draw it.

What is an urban area? Draw it.

Please watch this video:

Please watch the video and answer the questions:

Name two types of communities from the video.

Draw one type of community you saw.

Brainpop Jr.

In addition to the work students will be doing for this mini project I will be adding some assignments and quizzes to this website. Please click here to head over to the website!

I will be collecting the drawings students make of their communities on Mars here! Please submit pictures through class dojo!

Work done by Kerrishneth K.