Join me on my next adventure!


Welcome to my travel site! This will be the hub for all of my experiences and exploration throughout my International Student Teaching journey. With this site, you will have the opportunity to read about my time at Anne-Frank Gymnasium, cultural differences, and my weekend travels. So sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Whitney Disney

Let me introduce myself. My name is Whitney Disney, a fall 2019 graduate of Western Kentucky University. I teach high school English and am so excited for the opportunity to travel abroad and teach in Werne, Germany! Stay tuned for more updates on this journey.

My international teaching takes place at Anne-Frank Gymnasium. This is a small school with students ranging from grade 5 to grade 12. All of these students are on track to study at university, and this school uses a rigorous curriculum to prepare students for their academic futures. Below are several pictures of the school's campus and facilities.

While I am teaching in Werne, I will be living with a host family. I have host parents, Jenny and Thomas, and a host brother and sister, Nico and Lea. I will be living outside of Werne in a small town called Bergkamen. I can't wait to meet them! I've been able to talk with Lea on Instagram messages and have gotten to know her a little bit already.