Being Female, Part 1


This website is a companion to the course 

"Being Female, Part 1:  A New Perspective" 

offered at Midcoast Senior College in Brunswick, Maine

"Activities" contains any activities that will be done in class and/or at home and extra "fun" material

"Basic Information" contains the following files which will be updated as needed

        Topic and reading schedule

        Lists of additional resources


"Class Presentations" contains the power point presentations in pdf form.  The presentation for each class will be added within a day or two of each class session. 

"Course Articles" contains the required reading and enrichment reading for each week.  Required reading will be posted for each week by the week before that class.  Enrichment reading will be posted shortly after each class session, if not before.  The lists will be updated as relevant new articles are found.

The course will meet on Wednesdays .  There are two sections: 

       In person in the morning from 9:30 am until 11:30 am 

       On Zoom in the afternoon from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm 


Class session dates:   February 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22