California Youth Crisis Line: Emergency response system for youth 12-24, call anytime you are needing to talk to someone about what’s happening, especially before you run away or cause harm to yourselves or others

Call OR Text: 1 -800-843-5200

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: national organization providing support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones

Call: 1-800-273-8255

Trevor Project: national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth

Call: 1-866-488-7386

Text: Start to 678-678

Crisis text line: speak with a crisis counselor via text anytime you need support

Text: HOME to 741741



Kids and teens alike grieve deeply but often work very hard to hide their feelings. Fearing the vulnerability that comes with expression, they look for distractions rather than stay with the grief process long enough to find real relief. Feelings can be turned off quickly, much like flipping a light switch.

What Is Grief?

Grief is the reaction we have in response to a death or loss. Grief can affect our body, mind, emotions, and spirit.

People might notice or show grief in several ways:

  • Physical reactions: These might be things like changes in appetite or sleep, an upset stomach, tight chest, crying, tense muscles, trouble relaxing, low energy, restlessness, or trouble concentrating.

  • Frequent thoughts: These may be happy memories of the person who died, worries or regrets, or thoughts of what life will be like without the person.

  • Strong emotions: For example, sadness, anger, guilt, despair, relief, love, or hope.

  • Spiritual reactions: This might mean finding strength in faith, questioning religious beliefs, or discovering spiritual meaning and connections.

When people have these reactions and emotions, we say they're grieving.


First and foremost, it's important to understand that you don't need to be an expert. Teachers and parents can help students most by simply being present with and attentive to grieving students as they express their feelings.

This doesn't mean that you need to serve as a grief counselor. Teachers, neighbors and family friends are not expected to provide a therapeutic environment for a grieving student . Instead, they should foster a supportive environment -- and refer grieving children to specialists and other support services when appropriate.

No one can prevent a child's grief, but you can serve as a source of stability and comfort at one of the most crucial times in a student's life. The following five tips are intended to help you better support the grieving students in your midst:

1. Help Younger Students Understand What Has Happened

When speaking with young children about the death of a loved one, use the words "dead" and "died." Expressions such as "eternal rest" or "passed away" may confuse children and make it harder for them to understand what has happened. Reinforcing the basic realities of death -- that it is irreversible, that everyone eventually dies, and that there are physical reasons why someone dies -- helps remove common misconceptions and can decrease feelings of worry, guilt and shame that might accompany the death of a loved one.

2. Invite Older Students to Talk

In the wake of an immediate family member's death, older children can be overlooked -- or even looked to for supporting other family members. School, then, becomes a critical place for them to receive care from trusted adults. Older students may not be ready to talk when you offer to speak with them. They may prefer time alone or talking with their friends. They might say that they don't need or wish to talk, even when they are actually feeling overwhelmed. Don't try to force the conversation. Help them identify other adults with whom they can speak when they are ready, such as a guidance counselor or mental health provider. Remain available and supportive, and continue offering to talk with them from time to time.

3. Allow Children to Express Themselves

The goal is not to take away the pain of grief, but to allow an opportunity for children to express it. Avoid comments aimed at trying to cheer up students who are grieving. (Examples: "At least you were able to spend Christmas with him before he died," or "At least he died a hero.") It is also a common impulse to share personal experiences about our own losses. But with grieving children, it's important to listen more and talk less. Give them space to express themselves rather than "turning the tables" by bringing up your own painful losses. You can also reassure students -- young children, in particular -- that they are not responsible for the death. Even when there is no reason to suspect they feel guilty, feelings of guilt are nearly universal in grieving children

4. Reach Out to Parents or Caregivers and Offer Assistance

The grieving student's family should know how he or she is coping at school. Reach out to parents or caregivers and coordinate efforts. After the death of a family member, parents or caregivers may feel overwhelmed and unsure how to help their children. They generally welcome advice from school personnel and appreciate your concern.

5. Provide Learning Supports

Children often have difficulty concentrating or learning while they are grieving. They may benefit from tutoring, extra support, or temporary changes in their test schedules or other classroom demands. Don't wait for school problems to start before offering help. Talk to your students, their parents or caregivers, and other key people at the school, such as coaches, band directors and club sponsors. This network can help coordinate the support you provide.

The bottom line is this: during the week, kids spend as many of their waking hours in school as they do at home. Educators and family friends within the community are literally on the "front lines" of the childhood grief issue -- and therefore have a huge opportunity to lend support. A little understanding can go a long way.


If you think someone is thinking about suicide, assume you are the only one who will reach out. Here’s how to talk to someone who may be struggling with their mental health.

Have an honest conversation.....

Talk to them in private

Listen to their story

Tell them you care about them

Ask directly if they are thinking about suicide

Encourage them to seek treatment or contact their doctor or therapist

Avoid debating the value of life, minimizing their problems or giving advice

If a person says they are considering suicide.....

Take the person seriously

Stay with them

Help them remove lethal means

Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

Text TALK to 741741 to text with a trained crisis counselor from the Crisis Text Line for free, 24/7

Escort them to mental health services or an emergency room


Every day in California friends, family and co-workers struggle with emotional pain. And, for some, it's too difficult to talk about the pain, thoughts of suicide and the need for help. Though the warning signs can be subtle, they are there. By recognizing these signs, knowing how to start a conversation and where to turn for help, you have the power to make a difference – the power to save a life. CLICK LINK BELOW TO LEARN MORE!