Work Ethics

A strong work ethic is important to achieving your goals, no matter what they are. Every employee, member of a team, student, teacher, boss, supervisor, military personnel, all members of the work force must have a good work ethic to keep things functioning at their peak. A good work ethic is a set of moral principles that employees, students or other workers use to when accomplishing tasks. Bringing your best to work!

Certain factors come together to create a strong work ethic:

  • Integrity - the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness
  • Sense of responsibility - an awareness of your obligations.
  • Emphasis on Quality - a high degree of execellence
  • Discipline - training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behaviour, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement
  • Sense of Teamwork - a cooperative effort by the members of a group to achieve common goal or goals.

What you will be marked on:

  • Integrity .................................... 5/
  • Sense of responsibility .......... 5/
  • Emphasis on Quality .............. 5/
  • Discipline .................................. 5/
  • Sense of Teamwork ................ 5/