Social Studies 10 Assigned Work

Social Studies 10

Assigned Work List

  • For Potato Harvest students: If you have any questions or assignments to submit, email them here:
  • Don't forget to make frequent saves to avoid lost work!
  • When saving files be sure to use a descriptive file name for that particular activity, if one is not provided.
  • Save your work frequently! You should make about 8 to 10 saves per class! Only save in your U drive or Google drive! They are the only safe places for your course work! Do not save on the local computer!

Test Taking: ExamView Player

This only works while logged in here at the school. Tests are stored in the Student Shared folder. You can access the tests through My Computer and then going here: S:/Info Tech 110/Swim/Testing. Then click evplay.exe. Please Note! Tests can only be taken when logged in here at the school.

Work List:

  • Early Culture Questions. Total /25
  • 7 Wonders of the Ancient World presentation. Total /10
  • Egyptian Kingdom - periods of time presentation. Total /60
  • Egyptian Pharaohs - presentation. Total /20

Video's and Video Response sheets:

Home work list:

Home work #1 - Mesopotamia

  • Read pages 53 – 56
  • Define the bold terms
  • Pg. 56 – Do the Reflect and Analyze questions 1 – 4.

Home work #2 - Egypt

  • Define the bold terms from the text on pages 74-121.
  • Reflect and Analyze from their text, page 77, questions 1-4.
  • Reflect and Analyze from their text, page 83, questions 1-4.
  • Reflect and Analyze from their text, page 88, questions 1-4.
  • Reflect and Analyze from their text, page 91, questions 1-4.

Home work #3 - Egypt "Everyday Life, The Role of Women, and Education".

  • Read “Everyday Life”, “The role of Women” and “Education” starting at the bottom of p. 104 and answer questions 1-3 at the bottom of p. 106
  • Read 107-108, do questions 2 and 4
  • If you finish, in a paragraph of your own words, describe marriage in Ancient Egypt. When did it occur? Why? How was a bride or groom chosen and how was the event marked or celebrated?

Home work #4 - Egyptian Economy

  • Read p. 109-112: Answer questions in sentence form. Give full explanations for full value. Value 14.
  • 1. How was the Egyptian economy based around agriculture?
  • 2. How can it be said that the entire Egyptian economy was based around the Nile?
  • 3. What were the main agricultural products of Egypt?
  • 4. Describe the life of a crafter. What were some of the things they made?
  • 5. Explain the role of Trade in Egypt.
  • 6. Draw a diagram of a shaduf and explain what it was used for.
  • 7. What is papyrus and list its uses to the Egyptians.

Home work #5 - Religion and Mummification

  • Read p. 94-98: Answer questions in sentence form. Give full explanations for full value. Value 15.
  • 1. What is the “Ka”? (1)
  • 2. What is the “Ba”? (1)
  • 3, Why are the Ka and Ba significant in Egyptian religion? (1)
  • 4. How did regular people worship? What about wealthy people? (2)
  • 5. Identify Amenophis I? (2)
  • 6. What is an oracle, and what was their role in Egyptian religion? (2)
  • 7. What is an ankh and what was it used for? (2)
  • 8. Before mummification, how were bodies preserved for the afterlife? (1)
  • 9. What are Shawabto figurines and how were they used? (2)
  • 10. What is “The Book of The Dead”? (1)

Home work #6 - Greece

Home work #7 - Greece

  • Greek Wars. Pages 140 - 144. Give full explanations for full value. Value 14.

Home work #8 - Greece

Home work #9 - Greece

Final Project:

You will not be using any more class time to work on previously assigned work. You can schedule time with me in the morning, at noon or after school to work on missed previously assigned work. I will need you working on the final project during class time as I do the bulk of my assessing then.