Info Tech 110 Assigned Work

Information Technology 110

Assigned Work List

For Potato Harvest students: If you have any questions or assignments to submit, email them here:

Remember only print the exercises that I ask you to. When printing an exercise be sure to include the header information. Most of the exercises will be marked by me during class time or from your home folders. So, it is also important to make sure you name the filename properly. Files are to be named by the name in the “double quotes.” Check out the Filenames List page.

Save your work frequently! You should make about 8 to 10 saves per class! Only save in your U drive! It is the only safe place for your course work!

  • ex. Ex. 1 “Ceramics Info Request”. “Ceramics Info Request” is the filename to be saved.
  • Save all your files in your home drive: h:\\InfoTech110.
  • How to take a test, click here. This only works while logged in here at the school
  • Tests are stored in the Student Shared folder. You can access the tests through My Computer and then going here: S:/Info Tech 110/Swim. Then click evplay.exe (). Or you can click on the “Online testing” link. Then click "Run" on the next two boxes. Please Note! Tests can only be taken when logged in here at the school.
  • Additional files are located in the Homework folder: \InfoTech110 Swim\Datafiles

Directions: Only do the Questions outlined below. Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions. Complete each of the selected Chapter Exercises and save them as the filenames I have specified.

  • Do this your first time on the computer! Create a folder in your home drive called “InfoTech110” Value 5
  • Individual Chapter folders??? up to you.
  • Practice folders??? up to you.

Chapter 1 (Microsoft Office Basics) The assigned Chapter questions are 1 - 18. Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions.

Ex. 1 “Computer Lab”, Ex. 2 “Passwords”, Ex. 3 "E-Commerce", Ex. 4 "Freelance", Ex. 5 "Authors", Ex. 7 "Carpal Tunnel", Ex. 9 "Email Attachments", Ex. 10 "Reflection Chapter 1" .

Chapter 2 (Using a Word Processor) The assigned Chapter questions are 1 - 18. Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions.

Ex. 1 “Thank You”, Ex. 3 “Leadership" print this and hand in, Ex. 4 "Computer Maintenance", Ex. 6 "Entertainment Review", Ex. 7 "Proposal", Ex. 10 "Taking Tests", Ex. 12 "Water Conservation".

Chapter 3 (Formatting Documents) The assigned Chapter questions are 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18. Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions.

Ex. 2 “Welcome”, Ex. 4 "Vitamins", Ex. 5 "U.S. Presidents", Ex. 7 "Science Review", Ex. 9 "Proposal Ch 3", Ex. 11 "Logo Proposal", Ex. 13 "Basic Resume", Ex. 16 "Geology Schedule".

Chapter 4 (Advanced Formatting Features) The assigned Chapter questions are 1 - 20. Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions.

Ex. 1 “Elements”, Ex. 2 "Saturn", Ex. 3 "Menu", Ex. 4 "Hierarchy", Ex. 5 "Brochure", Ex. 6 "Honours Handout", Ex. 7 "Favourite Recipe", Ex. 10 "Backpacking List", Ex. 12 "Newsletter", Ex. 14 "Job Safety".

Chapter 5 (Using a Spreadsheet) The assigned Chapter questions are 1 - 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 36, 40. Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions.

Ex. 1 “Activity”, Ex. 2 "Balance Sheet" (don't do parts H, K, or L), Ex. 3 "Temp Conversion", Ex. 5 "Recipe", Ex. 7 "Personal Finances", Ex. 8 "Income Statement", Ex. 10 "Budget" (skip part G), Ex. 13 "April Mileage".

Chapter 6 (Functions and Data Organization) The assigned Chapter questions are 8, 9, 10. Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions.

Ex. 1 "Dive Log", Ex. 2 "Pizza Palace", Ex. 4 "Car Loan".

Chapter 7 (Creating Charts) The assigned Chapter questions are (To be assigned later). Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions.

Ex. 2 "Pizza Palace Ch 7", Ex. 5 "Population".

Chapter 14 (Desktop Publishing) The assigned Chapter questions are (To be assigned later). Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions.

Ex. 1 "Cantina Flyer", Ex. 2 "Fingerpaint Flyer", Ex 3 "Fingerpaint Handouts", Ex. 5 "Pool Party", Ex. 7 "Tuesday Specials", Ex. 9 "Birthday Card" (made for someone in the class), Ex. 11 "Calendar" (make a calendar for you).

Chapter 12 (Creating Presentation) The assigned Chapter questions are (To be assigned later) Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions.

Ex. 1 "Maple Trees", Ex. 2 "Winter Trip", Ex. 3 "Catsharks", Ex. 5 "Management", Ex. 7 "Etiquette", Ex. 8 "Festival Profits".

Chapter 13 (Advanced Powerpoint Features) The assigned Chapter questions are (To be assigned later) Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions.

Ex. 1 "Maple Ch 13", Ex. 2 "Winter Ch 13", Ex. 3 "Catsharks Ch13", Ex. 5 "Digital Projectors", Ex. 7 "Scuba", Ex. 8 "Tech Lecture".

Chapter 8 (Advanced Spreadsheet Techniques) The assigned Chapter questions are (To be assigned later). Do all of the Practices in the book right after the Chapter questions.

Ex. 1 "Florida Flights", Ex. 2 "Used Books", Ex. 4 "Target Zone", Ex. 5 "Music Sale", Ex.6 "Business Payroll", Ex.7 "Flower Store".

(More exercises may be added to the chapters.)