Computer Science 110 Course Outline

Computer Science 110

Course Content

Days based on 65 minute periods, 84 day semester


The course will cover new material in a traditional way, through the use of notes, practices, questions & answers, problems, quizzes and tests. A final project will replace a final exam. We will be using the on-line content for parts of this course on the Schoology found at: . You will have to login to that site to see the course content.


Introduction to Computer Systems - Visual Basic/Python/Java

  • The Components of a Computer System
  • Categories of Computer Systems
  • Disk Operating System
  • Responsible Computer Use

Introduction to Structured Programming and Problem Solving

  • Programming Languages
  • Structured Programming
  • The Programming Process
  • Writing a Program and Documentation

Fundamental Statements

  • QBasic Statement Components
  • Simple QBasic Statements
  • Documenting a program

Input and Output

  • Storing data
  • TAB, SPC, Print, etc
  • Functions

Graphics and Sound

  • Text and Graphic mode
  • Graphic Statements
  • Sound (If time permits)

Introduction to Control Structures

  • Block IF, ELSEIF, SELECT CASE statements
  • Logical Operators

Loop Structures

  • Program Structure
  • Input, Printing, Variables, Statements

Records and Files

  • Records and files
  • Using Sequential Files

Functions and Debugging and Testing

  • Writing User-Friendly Programs

Textbook: no text

Software: Python, Schoology web site, Windows 10.


  • One computer per student
  • Projection System
  • Teacher Based Computer System

Marking: Marking will be done from Student Home folders on the server, handed in assignments, quizzes & tests. Some marking or task analysis will be done, by observation, during class time.

Programming Problems

  • 20% Format
  • 10% Documentation
  • 10% Header Info
  • 30% Functionality
  • 20% Creativity
  • 10% Work ethic & collaboration


  • Assignments - 30% (practical everyday work, mostly coding)
  • Quizzes - 20% (related themed projects)
  • Tests - 30%
  • Exam/Final Project - 20%

Course Requirements:

  • Students are expected to come to class prepared with all materials required for class. Policies and guidelines stated in the student handbook will be adhered to. Please take note of assignment and test/examination policy below. All posted rules must be followed.

Assignment Policy:

  • Late assignments will be penalized 20% per day. All assignments must be passed in. All work must be of a satisfactory quality. Deadline for assigned work is a week before final exams begin. Subject teachers will not tolerate a build-up of uncompleted assignments past their due date. Persistent refusal to hand in assignments may lead to disciplinary action by the administration. All assignments are due on the date assigned by the teacher. Assignments are considered complete when they meet the teacher's approval. Students who are not present on days when major assignments or projects are due are still responsible to pass assignments in on the designated due date. Students will not receive a final mark in the course until all assignments or projects are submitted.

Test/Examination Assignment Policy:

  • Quizzes may be held at any time. A quiz will not take a whole period to complete. Major tests will be announced at least two days in advance. In the event that a student is unable to be present to write a test or examination, parents are to phone the school to inform the subject teacher. Students missing test or due dates are required to contact me on their first day back to school. This must be followed up with an acceptable written excuse as outlined in the Student Handbook. Students who miss a test/examination and who do not have their parents phone in that day with an acceptable excuse will be given zero for that test/exam unless extenuating circumstances prevail. Students who are not present on days when major assignments/projects are due are still responsible to pass in assignments on the designated due date. Students will not receive a final mark in the course until all assignments/projects are submitted.
  • If any student is having difficulty or requires extra help, please do not hesitate to arrange a time to see me.



  1. Be on time.
  2. Tardiness - make up time, 20 minutes for the first time, time doubles after that.
  3. Only water is allowed and only at the desks, not near computer equipment.
  4. Cell phones are not permitted in this class. If a student chooses to use their phone in class, they risk consequences such as noon time, loss of other privileges and the phone sent to the office.
  5. Discipline will be similar to "real world" work place.
  6. Abuse/Misuse of school property will not be tolerated.
  7. Remain seated.
  8. Raise your hand if you need help and be patient.
  9. Be quiet and remain quiet.
  10. Maintain your Workstation, keep it neat, push in chairs, put things away, etc. (Marks on each report)
  11. Be respectful.


  1. Students are expected to stay on task and complete all mandatory exercises, in an efficient manner.
  2. Students are expected to come to class prepared with all materials for that class.
  3. Students will not be allowed to be excused during class time unless an emergency arises and then students must ask permission. No one is allowed to leave without permission unless they like to make up time. (10 minutes)
  4. Students who require help during class time must raise their hands. All other times they are to remain seated and stay quiet.