Quick CHeck & Quiz Corrections

For quick checks and/or quizzes you received 80% or below on

You CAN make up your quick check AND quiz scores if you get 80% or below.

To redo a quick check or quiz you did poorly on, you will have to send me a webmail with your quiz correction. You have three options on how to do your Quick Check & Quiz Corrections, but they all must be sent through webmail:

Option 1 - You can write your corrections straight into a webmail. Simply copy and paste the directions below to help, or look at the directions as you create your correction webmail.

Option 2 -  You can write up your corrections in a word type document and attach them to the webmail to send to me

Option 3 - You can use the template provided below. Please "Save a copy" or download to fill out! (Link: Art QC & Quiz Correction Template)

Please use whichever works better for you!

Corrections MUST include:

IF your correction submission does not include ALL of the above information, you will not receive points for grade recovery.

option 1&2: Webmail corrections w/o template:


Question 1: This image represents culture and history because...

Correct answer: A, it shows traditional practices for a group of people.

It was important to record culture and history through art, especially before the camera. These are dancers, which is a group of people, and dancing is a traditional practice.

Textbook Reference: Unit 2, Lesson 1, Page 3

Once you have sent me your corrections (through webmail) like the example above for all your missed questions, I will fix your grade.

option 3: Webmail corrections with template:

Unit Quiz Corrections Template