
2017-2018 Algebra Syllabus

Mrs. Jamie Scordino

Room 1114


Welcome to your Algebra course. I hope everybody had an enjoyable summer as we begin our time together in the classroom. Our class will be challenging, but I’ll do my best to make it interesting, engaging, and meaningful to you. Please refer to this syllabus for (1) required materials, (2) grading categories and explanations, (3)academic integrity, (4) attendance policies, and (5) extra help options.

Required Materials

  • Composition notebook
  • Pencils
  • Crayons/Colored pencils
  • Scissors
  • Glue sticks

Grading Catergies

Assessments 40%

Analysis (Problem Solving Rubrics from weekly problem solving task) 15%

Assignments (Classwork given) 15%

Homework (18 activities for the semester) 15%

Daily Work (Bell work) 10%

Final Exam 5%


  • There will be at least one assessment per standard covered. A cumulative final exam will be given at the end of the semester. You are allowed one retake per test (unless other accommodations are required based on an IEP or 504).
  • You may earn up to 100% on the retake.
  • The retake is to be completed within a week of the quiz/test being given back or with communication with the teacher. Scheduling retakes should be done with me in advance of this timeline.

*If you miss an assessment due to absence, you will be expected to take the quiz/test ASAP upon your return. Please ensure that you plan ahead for this.


  • Each Friday we will be completing a problem solving activity. You are graded according to a problem solving rubric that focuses on core mathematical practices of common core. The rubric may be altered based on the activity. See below for an example.


  • These include any classwork assignments that are given.


  • Homework is individualized to each student based on their IXL diagnostic assessment. Students are to log-in to and select an activity from the individualized recommendations. A total of 18 homework skills will be graded for the semester. This amounts to one skill learned per week. Students will be reminded of this daily for the first two weeks and then weekly from that point on.
  • Username: firstnamelastname672
  • Password: See the teacher if you forgot it

Daily Work

  • Students are expected to come in to class each day and complete the assigned bell work. It is posted in the same spot on the board every day. If students do not attempt the task or are distracting others rather than working, they will not earn credit for that day's bell work. Bell work grades will be posted once per week.

Final Exam

  • Students will be required to complete a final exam that includes a calculation section and a problem solving section. The material covered on the final exam will be determined based on the amount of material covered during the semester.

Academic Honesty

  • Credit will not be given for work that is not entirely your own.
  • Collaboration is encouraged between students; discussing, coaching, and helping each other through the content. Copying other’s work is not collaboration
  • Cheating is not tolerated. Copying other’s work, using notes or cell phones during a quiz/test, talking during a quiz/test, or looking at other’s papers will result in a zero on that particular task.

*Refer to the student handbook for more on Skyline’s academic honesty policy.

Class Expectations

  • Respect is paramount in our classroom- towards the teacher, peers, ideas, and opinions. I will give you the utmost respect and I expect the same from my students.
  • Students are expected to behave in a manner that respects the learning environment.
  • Students are expected to be prepared at the beginning of class (seated on time with materials and ready to participate).
  • Cell phones will be allowed during approved times, if used outside of these times the phone will be given to the teacher and returned at the end of the school day.
  • Students are expected to be engaged in the task at hand.
  • Students are expected to participate in discussions and other class activities.
  • Students are expected to begin working on the bell work which will be clearly displayed each day when they come into the classroom.
  • Believe in a growth mindset. We will work as a class all year on how to build and develop confidence in math, as well as understanding how our outlook will impact performance. I will be here to help you along the way.

Absences & Tardies

  • The minute class starts, students should be seated and ready, otherwise they will be considered tardy.
  • Fifteen minutes after class starts, a student will be marked absent.
  • If you are absent the day(s) before a quiz or test, you will be expected to take the quiz or test on the assigned day. *See me for any extenuating circumstances.

Additional Help

  • If you find yourself struggling, please talk with me. Students who receive individual instruction and seek out assistance when it is needed almost always end up doing better because of it.
  • Students must contact Mrs. Scordino in advance to arrange times for extra help. I cannot guarantee any days/times because of meetings and after school commitments. However, I will work with you to find a time to provide assistance with notice. This may include before school, during lunch, or after school.

Bottom Line

I am here to work with you and help you have success in my classroom. I am here to listen and support you. I ask that you remember that I am human; I will make some mistakes along the way-- we all will. I will own my mistakes and learn from them in the same way I will expect you to. Please be respectful of this. Communication is the best way to ensure that you are getting your needs met. Come see me after class or email me, so that I can help you.