APGov Video Resources
The following links will take you to appropriate videos for each chapter of the textbook. Remember, from the syllabus I am aiming for videos that will cover what is important on the AP exam not videos that will copy the textbook exactly. That being said, there are some videos in here that aim to pull out the most important information from the book chapter itself (although they usually refer to an earlier edition of the book).
Websites related to these video resources
www.apgovreview.com (Adam Norris)
Hip Hughes History (Keith Hughes)
Other useful videos appear at the bottom of this page, including playlists for the whole course.
Chapter 2: The Constitution
Adam Norris Chapter 2 Summary (15th ed)
Crash Course #2, The Bicameral Congress
Crash Course #3, Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances
Crash Course #5, Constitutional Compromises
Adam Norris #1, Constitutional Influences
Adam Norris #2, Separation of Powers
Adam Norris #3, Checks and Balances
Keith Hughes, Checks and Balances for Dummies
Keith Hughes, Constitutional Flexibility for Dummies
Keith Hughes, The Constitutional Convention of 1787 for Dummies
Keith Hughes, The Articles of Confederation Explained
Keith Hughes, The Unwritten Constitution Explained
Chapter 3: Federalism
Adam Norris Chapter 3 Summary (15th ed)
Keith Hughes, US Federalism For Dummies
Keith Hughes, Federalism Explained in One Minute
Chapter 4: Civil Liberties
Adam Norris, Chapter 4 Summary (15th ed)
Crash Course #23, Civil Rights & Liberties
Crash Course #24, Freedom of Religion
Crash Course #25, Freedom of Speech
Crash Course #26, Freedom of the Press
Crash Course #27, Search and Seizure
Crash Course #28, Due Process of Law
Adam Norris #46, Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
Adam Norris #47, Important Civil Liberties to Know
Adam Norris #49, The Incorporation Doctrine
Keith Hughes, The Fifth Amendment Explained
Keith Hughes, Should Flag Burning be Illegal?
Keith Hughes, The Death Penalty
Keith Hughes, Student Rights Explained
Keith Hughes, Obscenity and Free Speech
Keith Hughes, The First Amendment
Keith Hughes, The Second Amendment
Keith Hughes, The Third Amendment
Keith Hughes, The Fourth Amendment
Keith Hughes, The Fifth Amendment
Keith Hughes, The Sixth Amendment
Keith Hughes, The Seventh Amendment
Keith Hughes, The Eighth Amendment
Keith Hughes, The Ninth Amendment
Keith Hughes, The Tenth Amendment
Chapter 5: Civil Rights
Adam Norris, Chapter 5 Summary (15th ed)
Adam Norris #48, Civil Rights to Know
Crash Course #29, Equal Protection
Crash Course #30, Sex Discrimination
Crash Course #31, Discrimination
Crash Course #32, Affirmative Action
Keith Hughes, The Fourteenth Amendment Explained
Keith Hughes, The Equal Rights Amendment
Chapter 6: Public Opinion
Adam Norris, Chapter 6 Summary (15th ed)
Crash Course #33, Public Opinion
Crash Course #34, Shaping Public Opinion
Crash Course #35, Political Ideology
Adam Norris #7, Citizens Beliefs about Government and Leaders
Adam Norris #8, Political Socialization
Adam Norris #9, Public Opinion
Adam Norris #10, Participation in Politics
Adam Norris #11, Citizens' Political Beliefs
Keith Hughes, Demographics for Dummies
Keith Hughes, What is a Libertarian?
Keith Hughes, What is a Liberal?
Keith Hughes, What is a Conservative?
Keith Hughes, What is Socialism?
Keith Hughes, What is an Anarchist?
Chapter 7: Mass Media
Adam Norris, Chapter 7 Summary (15th ed)
Crash Course #44, Media Institutions
Crash Course #45, Media Regulation
Adam Norris #21, The Functions and Structures of News Media
Adam Norris #22, Impacts of News Media on Politics
Adam Norris #23, News Media Industry
Chapter 8: Political Parties
Adam Norris, Chapter 8 Summary (15th ed)
Crash Course #40, Political Parties
Crash Course #41, Party Systems
Adam Norris #12, Function and Organization of Political Parties
Adam Norris #13, Development of Political Parties
Adam Norris #14, Political Parties' Effects on Political Process
Keith Hughes, Political Realignment for Dummies
Keith Hughes, Explaining Federalist #10
Keith Hughes, Third Parties Explained
Chapter 9: Campaigns, Elections and Voting
Adam Norris, Chapter 9 Summary (15th ed, Nominations and Campaigns)
Crash Course #38, How Voters Decide
Crash Course #39, Political Campaigns
Adam Norris, Chapter 10 Summary (15th ed, Elections and Voting)
Adam Norris #15, Electoral Laws and Systems
Adam Norris #20, PACs and Super PACs
Keith Hughes, Electoral College for Dummies
Keith Hughes, McCutcheon v FEC Explained
Keith Hughes, What is a Caucus?
Keith Hughes, What is a Superdelegate?
Chapter 10: Interest Groups
Adam Norris, Chapter 11 Summary (15th ed)
Crash Course #42, Interest Groups
Crash Course #43, Interest Group Formation
Adam Norris #16, Interest Groups Range of Interests
Adam Norris #17, Iron Triangles
Adam Norris #18, The Activities of Special Interest Groups
Adam Norris #19, The Effects of Interest Groups on the Political Process
Keith Hughes, Hyperpluralism Explained
Keith Hughes, America and Elite Theory
Keith Hughes, Iron Triangles Explained
Chapter 11: Congress
Adam Norris, Chapter 12 Summary (15th ed)
Crash Course #6, Congressional Elections
Crash Course #7, Congressional Committees
Crash Course #8, Congressional Leadership
Crash Course #9, How a Bill Becomes a Law
Crash Course #10 Congressional Decisions
Adam Norris #24, Congress Intro
Adam Norris #25, House of Representatives
Adam Norris #27, Congressional Committees
Adam Norris #28, Congress and Other Political Institutions
Chapter 12: The Presidency
Adam Norris, Chapter 13 Summary (15th ed)
Crash Course #11, Presidential Power 1
Crash Course #12, Presidential Power 2
Crash Course #13, Congressional Delegation
Crash Course #14, How Presidents Govern
Keith Hughes, Presidential Succession Explained
Keith Hughes, Impeachment and Removal
Adam Norris #29, The Presidency
Adam Norris #30, The Executive Office
Adam Norris #31, Presidential War Powers, Approval and Policymaking
Adam Norris #32, Presidential Enumerated and Inherent Powers
Chapter 13: Budgets, Taxing and Spending
Keith Hughes, Government Shutdown Explained
Adam Norris #41, The Budget Intro
Adam Norris #42, Making the Federal Budget
Chapter 14: Bureaucracy
Crash Course #15, Bureaucracy Basics
Crash Course #16, Types of Bureaucracies
Crash Course #17, Controlling Bureaucracies
Crash Course #47, Government Regulation
Adam Norris #33, The Bureaucracy
Adam Norris #34 Organization of the Bureaucracy
Chapter 15: Federal Courts
Crash Course #18, Legal System Basics
Crash Course #19, Structure of the Court System
Crash Course #20, Supreme Court Procedures
Crash Course #21, Judicial Review
Crash Course #22, Judicial Decisions
Adam Norris #35, The Judicial Branch Intro
Adam Norris #36, Structure of the Judicial System
Adam Norris #37, Selecting Judges
Adam Norris #38, Key Terms with the Judicial Branch
Chapter 16: Economic and Social Welfare
Crash Course #46, Market Economy
Crash Course #48, Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Crash Course #49, Social Policy
Adam Norris #40, Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Adam Norris #43, Keynesian and Supply Side Economics
Adam Norris #44, Unemployment and Inflation
Chapter 17: Health Care, Environment and Energy
Adam Norris #45, Environmental and Healthcare Policy
Chapter 18: National Security
Crash Course #50, Foreign Policy
Constitution Test
Keith Hughes, The Constitution Explained (playlist, 51 videos)
Keith Hughes, The Constitutional Amendments in 10 Minutes
Keith Hughes, The Preamble to the Constitution for Dummies
Keith Hughes, Article III Explained
Keith Hughes, Article IV Explained
Keith Hughes, Article VI Explained
Crash Course U.S. Government and Politics
Keith Hughes: US Government and Politics
Adam Norris, AP Government Essential Videos
AP Exam Review
Adam Norris, Supreme Court Cases to Know