
Room 2 Economic System

Tax Man

Welcome to Room 2! I am so excited for our upcoming school year. In our class, we have a system of economics called Tax Man. This system will help you become an organized, responsible student while learning the importance of life skills. You will save money, pay rent, keep a checkbook, and plan for expenses. This will be a fun learning adventure for all of us!

In Room 2, you must pay a monthly fee to use our desks. This is called rent. In order to pay your rent you are going to have to get a job! The money you make for doing your job is called your salary and this should cover your rent. Of course, this job will take place in the classroom. However, if your responsibilities aren’t taken care of you may be fined. You can make this up by earning bonus money for positive, responsible behavior like helping others, completing assignments on time, attendance, and other behaviors that will be listed later.

If you are tired of paying rent, you have the option of buying your desk. In order to do this you must save three times what your rent is. Your rent will be $500 per month, so to purchase you must save $1,500. When you own your desk, you no longer need to pay rent each month. You can then save your money for our class auctions.

At the end of each month we will hold auctions. You may spend some of your earnings on these items or save your money for other things. Auction items may include art materials, athletic equipment, gift certificates, or lunch with Mrs. Cruz, etc.

If you are not able to pay your rent at the beginning of the month you will be evicted. This means that you will not be able to use the different seating options provided in our class. Instead, you may use a clipboard to write and find a space on the floor. It is important that you budget your money carefully so you are able to pay your rent and keep your seating options. You may earn seating options back by earning enough money to be able to pay your rent again.

Below is a list of jobs, their descriptions, and their pay. Look them over and decide which job would best suit you. Keep in mind that the higher the salary the more work the job entails. Some jobs will even require a reference to show you are able to hand the work expected of each position. A reference is someone other than a family member that will be able to write a brief letter explaining your ability to be successful at the job you’re seeking.

Available Jobs

Custodian (4 available positions) Pay: $600

  • Responsible for keeping an area of the classroom in top condition
  • Job may include cleaning sink, countertops, desks, and board

Banker (6 available positions) Pay: $600 and requires 1 reference (not family)

  • Keeps records of six-eight students
  • Must excel in math and is a person of the highest integrity
  • Takes deposits and checks from bank customers and coordinates accounts with other bankers
  • Does payroll

Messenger (2 available positions) Pay: $550

  • Handles all errands to other classes or the office
  • Must be able to deliver oral messages accurately
  • Must know school staff
  • Sometimes may miss class information and must be responsible for finding out what was missed from the Administrative Assistant

Police Officer (6 available positions) Pay: $550

  • Patrols a selected area of the classroom
  • Keeps a book with the names of all the students in his/her jurisdiction
  • Keeps records of infractions
  • Meets with bankers once a week to give a report of individual fines
  • Performs desk or binder raids

Attendance Monitor (1 available position) Pay: $550

  • Must have outstanding attendance
  • Silently takes roll each morning
  • Accepts notes from returning students to be kept on file
  • Prepares assignment folder for absent students

Clerk/Supply Monitor (2 available positions) Pay: $550

  • Passes out and collects papers when necessary
  • Papers must be put in order and placed in proper file folder
  • Keeps supplies filled and organized in our class
  • Know where everything in storage closet is kept

Equipment Manager (2 available positions) Pay: $550

  • Takes care of our athletic equipment in and out of our class
  • Prepares equipment needed for P.E.
  • Sets up activities when necessary
  • Use the pump in room to inflate balls

Librarian (1 available position) Pay: $580

  • Keeps class library organized (books straightened in correctly leveled shelf)
  • Checks books in and out of class library with class scanner system
  • Makes sure school library books are collected and returned each week

Technology Team (2 available positions) Pay: $580 and requires 1 reference

  • Must have good knowledge of computers
  • Will assist students who need help with word processing or any other available program and let teacher know of any problems
  • Makes sure Chromebook cart is locked each afternoon and unlocked every morning
  • Is responsible for our choosing an Instagrammer of the Day and helping them post during the day
  • Keep the computers dust-free

Administrative Assistant (1 available position) Pay: $580

  • Changes class schedule daily
  • Changes date on board each day
  • Responsible for keeping a school calendar of events
  • Reminds teacher of important assemblies/events for the week
  • Sorts miscellaneous notes turned in daily to give to Mrs. Goble

Sunshine Committee (2 available positions) Pay: $580

  • Welcomes/Assists new students or visitors to our classroom
  • Writes thank you letters to volunteers
  • Writes request letters for needed items/activities in our class
  • Keeps track of students birthdays and acknowledges them by decorating VIP seating of their choice

Fundraising Committee (2 available positions) Pay: $600

  • Collects plastic bottles and aluminum cans for recycle and brings them to the recycling plant
  • Plans/Organizes other fundraising ideas
  • Keeps a record of money earned throughout the year
  • Shops with teacher for auction items

Assembly Line/Emergency Manager (1 available position) Pay: $550

  • Walks class to destination-fire drill, assembly, event, etc.
  • Brings emergency back pack when necessary
  • Supplies students with band-aids when necessary
  • Is responsible for keeping line quiet and orderly
  • Has good knowledge of school grounds

In addition to your salary each month, you may earn money in other ways.

Bonus money can be earned by accomplishing the following:

$200 for a compliment from a Nordstrom School staff member

$100 for perfect attendance for the month

$40 for an extra academic activity assigned by the teacher

$20 for each book you read (must also update reading log/genre chart)

$10 per lap run during recess (must check in with teacher for permission)

$50 for a large bag of recycling (cans or plastic bottles only)

$20 for a small bag of recycling

There are also fines in our classroom. Fines double with each offense.

$50 for missing homework

$50 for an unexcused tardy

$50 for rude behavior (like not listening when another student is speaking)

$100 for a messy desk

$500 dishonesty

Over the next few days I’d like you to prepare your job application. Make sure to fill it out thoroughly. Your experience and strengths related to the job are important factors in helping you get the position you’d like to have.

This economic system will be an important part of how our classroom is run. Please look over this information carefully and let me know if you have any questions. I am looking forward to an exciting year.