
Reading Resources

Our town is very lucky to have an amazing library! It's one of my favorite places to go for new books. You can browse their collection of books online and place holds on books that you can't wait to read (which is great for those of you who are reading series of books like A Series of Unfortunate Events).

Search for and reserve books here.

The library also has fun craft, movie, and reading events. You can find out more about what's coming up on this page.

Nonfiction/News Resources

It can be hard to find informational articles that make sense and are interesting. Here are two sites that can do both! (Make sure you have your login code to access this at home.)

AR Book Finder

Our school uses the AR (Accelerated Reader) program to help students keep track of their reading and help them find books that meet their skill levels.

  • Use the AR Bookfinder to look up titles of books and find their levels.
  • To take an AR test and earn points, click here.