Where Can I Find New Books?

Uh oh...I don't know what to read next.

There comes a time for every reader when it seems like there are no good books left. You've asked for recommendations, but no one can help you find a book that really "clicks" for your needs. Fortunately, there are some great online tools to help readers uncover unknown books. The best part is, you can search for books by the mood you're in or what elements you want the story to have.

NoveList K-8 is one of my favorite tools! There are so many different genres and moods to explore, and this makes it easy to find books that are exciting - I usually end up finding 3 or more that I can't wait to read! I'd recommend browsing for books through their website, writing the title and author down, and looking for the book (or, if you're like me, books) in the Nordstrom or Morgan Hill library.

Speaking of libraries, the Morgan Hill library is one of the the best book resources that you have available! If you're ever unsure of what kind of book to read next, the librarians are all very helpful and can assist you in finding a book that's a good fit.

If you want to try searching on your own, their website also has great tools to help you find books. You can find their most recent recommendations by looking through grade level lists, find a gem by reading about their award-winning books, or find an exciting series to gobble up.

If those lists still aren't enough for you, you avid reader, then be sure to check out the 4th grade lists on Goodreads and GreatSchools. There are plenty of options for when you're "out of books."