Work Experience Program

Virtual Work Experience meetings



 CLICK HERE for Meeting #3


CLICK HERE for Meeting #4

For students who are registered for Work Experience:

Steps for getting ready for the Summer Work Experience Course:

1. Download Google Classroom and Remind on your personal device

2. Join the Work Experience Google Classroom (4rhmch3)  and the Remind App (@7dd3439)

3. Complete Meeting #1 (video is posted in Google Classroom/Classwork/Meeting #1)

4. Complete work associated with Meeting #1 before June 9th

Questions and Answers about Work Experience:

-Will I need to come to RHS for 4 hours a week?

*No. Summer Work Experience time is completed in the workplace.

-Do I need to have a job before registering for Work Experience?

*No, BUT it is in a student's best interest to be employed before registering for the Summer Work Experience program. A student MUST be employed by June 5th.

*Students who are not employed and/or don't complete the coursework due on June 9th will be withdrawn from the summer program.

-How many hours does a student need to work to be eligible for credit?

*A minimum of 90 hours.

Work Experience

Credit: .5 Grades: 11-12

Prerequisite: Must be employed Fee: None

This program allows students to earn elective high school credit for successful employment outside of school. Students must complete the digital work experience application, have a supervisor/manager complete the digital form, complete the PDF Roosevelt High School Summer Work Experience Application and upload it to Google Classroom, be evaluated by their supervisor/manager, complete an evaluation reflection and provide proof of a minimum of 90 hours worked (midterm and final check)

This is a Pass/Fail course.


*The Work Experience Program will be on a Pass/Fail grading system and will count toward

credit but not in the GPA.

Through Work-Based Learning, juniors and seniors gain job skills through internships, apprenticeships, paid work, and volunteer experiences. Students explore careers through industry tours, real-world professional experiences, and by building a professional network.