Nancy Kelly MS, RN, CSN-NJ    

Holland Brook School Nurse    

Ph# 908-534-2739   Fax# 908-349-3069          


Parent Information on medication for school: Please contact the school nurse with any questions. Here are some guidelines but always contact the school nurse first, please never send in any medication in a baggie or envelope.  Administering Medication at School: Tips for Parents 

When your child is staying home please call:            Attendance Line (908) 823-0454 press 1       *Please leave your child's name, grade and nature of the illness

Friendly Reminders: When to keep your child home for illness

*Stay home if your sick, please follow the 24 hour rule -Fever free for 24 hours without any fever reducing medication also any vomiting/diarrhea or GI issues (24 hours)

*Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds

*Clean and disinfect commonly touched objects such as door handles, light switches, phones, remote controls etc..

*Cover your cough or sneeze (not with your hands); (if you use a tissue, do not reuse- throw away the used tissue)

*Notice signs of Flu-like symptoms or symptoms of COVID-19

*If seen by the doctor, please provide the doctor's note and have them write the Diagnosis and if they are able to Return to School, with any restrictions for School or PE/Recess and update the Health Office with any information.