
More tools have been added!
I've added some more things for all of you on Virtual Home Base. Check out the Tools section for downloadable Mindfulness activities for you and your family. Remember that you can submit a picture of you wearing a mask and your BAGP shirt, ask a question for the e-Journal or make a suggestion for an addition to the site. Send me an email!

Howling for front line workers and for fun!
Have you noticed some strange goings on around 8 p.m. every night? Coloradans are uniting together to howl in to show support for our health care professionals. Go outside tonight, it's a lot of fun and a great stress reliever!

Face Masks: Send in your picture!
Recently added to our social distancing guidelines from Governor Polis was the use of face masks when we are doing our essential activities, like going to the grocery store or walking our dog. It will help to protect vulnerable members of our community, and you and your family can help by making masks! Remember we talked about trying to control what we can in out-of-control times? This is one small thing you can do to make a big difference!

Journaling during Covid-19
Welcome back! Today is the first day back after it was announced that we would be continuing the remote learning for the remainder of the year. Everyone is going to have a wide range of emotions with all of this. A lot of times we write down and shred things in Home Base, but this time I'm telling you to keep it. Someday, your kids, grandchildren, nieces and nephews may ask you what you did during this time.

Benefits of Board Games!
It's the weekend! So, how about getting ye olde board games out! You'll be using your Executive Functioning skills, such as impulse control, emotional regulation, planning and organizing. Depending on the type of game, you could also work on your collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication - a group project that's lots of fun!

Start the music!
I think I've said it a couple times, but music is incredibly powerful! It helps to decrease stress, boost your immune system, create new neuro-pathways. Make some of your own to get into that mindful state we call "flow."

Let's get outside
I'll be talking about how important it is to get outside and enjoy nature right now. As of today, our stay-at-home orders allow us to get outside and enjoy a walk along a trail or through our neighborhood. It's spring, so for the gardener it really is a magical time of new beginnings and new growth. Nature also helps to decrease our blood pressure, and helps our body deal with stress chemicals.

Controlling what we can in uncertain times
I'll be talking about how important it is to control what you can to decrease not only your stress, but to help those around you. The more you can maintain (keep clean) your room, and stay on top of your assignments, the less stress you will have because you have exercised control over what you can during a time that most things are out of our control.

Regain control over anxiety with deep breathing
I'll be talking a little bit about how our brains work and ways that we can prevent our brains from being hijacked with a stress response. Remember that the amygdala's only job is to be your security guard and to keep you safe - and it is probably working overtime right now. How do you regain control and make sure you use your Prefrontal Cortex to reason through the problem? Deep breathing.