Johnsen and Johnson e-Journal

May 13, 2020

Maintaining a positive outlook in uncertain times and challenging Automatic Negative Thoughts

I think that it is especially important right now to be very conscious of our automatic negative thoughts (ANTS) and to challenge them in productive ways. For instance, when I find myself starting to go down the "well, if I don't do this it isn't going to matter" road, I consciously stop and try and re-frame that belief. Doing what I can to create a positive environment and controlling what I can (kitchen sink I am looking straight at you) I am taking back a degree of control. The more control I feel, the more I believe I can make a positive change. Yes, this is very challenging right now, but it will have huge benefits on my mental health, and it's an important skill to model for my family.

Mrs. Johnsen

Oh the good ole ANTS! We love to hate them, huh? For me, having a positive outlook is something that I find myself constantly going to when times get tough. Sources of Strength wheel helps a lot for reminders for that for me but I also try to do things and prioritize things that I truly love and that I know fill me up with joy. Working out, talking to friends, painting my nails, reading a good book..little things that keep my mind right. With the ANTS I try to recognize them, sit with them, change them to positive, and move on. The more I recognize or call myself out on them, the easier and less they are to deal with. This is tricky and takes some practice that even I am still working on..but its helping!

Ms. Johnson

May 8, 2020

It looks like everyone is starting a vegetable garden this year, are you?

I grow a flower and vegetable garden every year, but I think I am more excited about it this year more than most. I planted my seeds yesterday for the veggies, but I am waiting until next week to plant the flowers. I'm growing corn, purple green beans, Spanish black beans, beets, spinach and carrots. I'll be getting some tomato plants as well, and I might see if I can get a potato pot going too. Being out on my back deck and patio with all of the flowers, shrubs and veggies around me is one of my favorite ways of relaxing and spending time with my family.

Mrs. Johnsen

OH how I wish I could start a vegetable garden. That would be awesome. I might just have to steal veggies from the others instead since I wont be able to grow my own. Mostly due to space and not having a garden area to do so :(

Ms. Johnson

April 27, 2020

What has been the most frustrating for you?

I think the thing that is the most frustrating for me is that I still will want to plan something for my family to do on the weekend, and then go "Nope, we can't do that!" It has made me get creative for sure. It's funny how even after 6 weeks, I still will want to look up what movie is playing. And a "quick run to the store" is not quite so quick anymore, but it has made me a better planner. I have to remember that frustration is usually from my "I want it right now!" mindset, and that usually is not a healthy one even in the best of circumstances. My hope is that after all of this I will have a higher tolerance for things that frustrate me: in layman's terms, more PATIENCE!

Mrs. Johnsen

I too feel the same frustrations that Mrs. Johnsen stated but I will speak on another topic. I have been frustrated with involvement and being around others I think. I don't mind too much doing work from home, or being at home for that matter since I have found ways to stay entertained, connect with friends, and ultimately get creative with work. What frustrates me is getting others to connect on any level despite offered opportunities and then hearing complaints about not feeling connected. For me, I understand it is hard to truly feel connected, but the fact that there are opportunities to feel that way and still no engagement frustrates me. Being around others, even at a distance, with a mask on is frustrating because I want to be able to give them a hug, and I want to be able to be close, but we cant and thats difficult at times.

Ms. Johnson

April 21, 2020

What are you most looking forward to when our restrictions are lifted?

I'm looking forward to getting together with family. We have been chatting on the phone, Discord and doing Jack Box games, but I am looking forward to seeing them in person! Places to visit includes to going to The Botanic Gardens, The Museum of Nature and Science, The Denver Zoo... I think you are getting the theme!

Mrs. Johnsen

Im looking forward to seeing my friends and getting to hangout with them in person. I could really use a hug from some of my friends so I am excited to be able to to have that opportunity again! I also cant wait to see my co-workers and students in person. Connecting virtually is difficult and simply not the same! I agree with Mrs. Johnsen too on visiting places that are currently not open; going to the movies, shopping, the zoo, etc.

Ms. Johnson

April 9, 2020

What has been your favorite food to cook at home during this time?

I do a lot of one pot meals. Through in meat, veggies, oils and spices. Viola, instant yummy and nutritious meal. You can also use rice or other grains, tofu, or other meat alternatives as well.

However, full disclosure: I will be murdering a pizza once our stay at home order has been lifted. Probably several. Pacific Veggie pizzas everywhere, be very very careful, I'm coming for you!

Mrs. Johnsen

Ohhh boy! I have been loving a mixture of things meal wise, but have been really enjoying baking a lot more than usual. Brownies, cookies, cupcakes, dumpcakes, regular cakes are all things I have never been too good at making, but have been doing a much better job practicing them and enjoying making them! Otherwise I am all about the easy recipes for dinner meals and lunches, pastas with chicken, sausage & peppers, and bacon cheese burgers have been my favorites.

Im missing regular visits to Chipolte and Chic-Fil-A though & cant wait to eat those regularly and comfortably again!

Ms. Johnson

April 1, 2020

What is the most unusual thing that has happened to you these past two week?

I've hinted that I have two other animals at home beside Rowan, our brown girl lab, and Oak, our yellow boy lab. The other animals are Petunia and Stormy. They are very easy pets: water, frozen mice, and aspen shavings for their terrarium are all they need. Did you figure out what they are? They are my two pet corn snakes! OK, let me answer the number one question everyone has: are they poisonous? No. Nope. Nopity-nope on that one! They live in my house guys!

So the unusual thing that happened was that while I was cleaning Stormy's cage, he took a nip at me. I had gloves on, so it was a very small little nip. Yes, I was a little miffed; talk about literally biting the hand that feeds you! But I'm looking at the bigger picture lesson here. He was grumpy, and hasn't been out of his terrarium in a little while. I think we all can relate! Maybe I need to make sure I'm watching how "snappy" I can be during our stay-at -home order.

I'm sure a couple mice, and a little more one-on-one time will solve Stormy's issues. Reptilian brains are great like that!

Mrs. Johnsen

Okay...unusual. Hmmm let me think here. Along with the animal theme that Mrs. Johnsen started, I have seen a few wild animals at my house. One being a Coyote, another being a RED FOX in my backyard! But otherwise, I have been taking walks around my neighborhood and seeing some interesting forms of entertainment from my neighbors including, outdoor splatter painting (all over the driveways), backyard zumba classes, and interesting "nature house" building. I call them "nature houses" because they aren't quite tree houses or burrows of sorts, they are a combination of sticks, grass, cardboard, tree limbs, rocks, etc. that are making up little homes for kids to play in and I'm sure the animals to explore.

Keepin' it interesting that is forsure!

Ms. Johnson

March 31, 2020

What are you doing for fun?

My family and I are trying to have as structured a schedule as possible. With two different college schedules (Mines and Penn State) and MVHS, and my husband's work and mine... It is a little crazy! We try to schedule something in the evening that we can all do and enjoy. Walks outside in the neighborhood, darts, board games, VR and watching movies seem to be the favorites. Our dogs, Rowan and Oak, love having their humans home full time, but now can't get away with sleeping on the coach. You win some, you lose some. :)

Mrs. Johnsen

The most fun I have been having is trying new and different workouts that I probably would never do if I were in a live class or at a gym doing. Some dance classes, considering I have no rhythm have been fun. I also broke out my old Wii and have been playing some classic WiiSports every now and then. I recently ordered calligraphy pens and started using those to practice and write with.

Outside of activities though, this time has been fun for me to keep up with family and friends who I don't get to talk to as often. Since we are all home, we have lots of virtual hangouts and get to connect with each other more frequently which has been awesome!

Ms. Johnson