Practice Questions

Practice Questions for exams and quizzes.

Use these questions to practice for exams in class and to study for any state standards tests. These are representative of the content of the exam. Fill in your knowledge with research on these topics.

Practice Questions

1. When solving a scientific problem, which is the first step?

A. perform an experiment

B. identify the problem

C. form a hypothesis

D. create a graph

2. In the formula NH4, how many of each atom is represented?

A. 1 Nitrogen: 4 Hydrogen

B. 1 Nickel : 4 Hydrogen

C. 1 Nitrogen : 4 Helium

D. 0 Nitrogen: 4 Hydrogen

3. Which of the following families in the periodic table have complete outer shells and do not bond?

A. Boron Family

B. Halogen Family

C. Noble Gases

D. Alkali Earth Metals

4. Which of the following is an example of a physical change?

A. rusting

B. oxidation

C. combustion

D. evaporation

5. A bike resting at the top of a hill is an example of what type of energy?

A. kinetic

B. potential

C. residual

D. topical

6. Which of the following requires a medium?

A. electromagnetic waves

B. radio waves

C. sound waves

D. microwaves

7. Which forces are equal in size and opposite in direction?

A. balanced forces

B. net forces

C. friction forces

D. unbalanced forces

8. A student launches a bottle rocket. Which of Newton’s Laws of Motion is being represented?

A. Newton’s 1st Law of Motion

B. Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion

C. Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion

D. Newton’s 4th Law of Motion

9. Through which of these processes is energy lost in a food web?

A. heat

B. temperature

C. decomposers

D. consumers

10. What is the process of bending a beam of light obliquely from one medium to another medium?

A. reflection

B. refraction

C. dispersion

D. deviation

11. Which part of the water cycle is hindered due to the attractive properties of water?

A. condensation

B. evaporation

C. precipitation

D. percolation

Draw the image below and label the waves with these terms:




