
Please see attached Civics Course Syllabus

Course Description:

This course examines and studies the history, philosophy, structure, and function of the U.S. Government. This course will be divided up into 14 Chapters (some Chapters may be consolidated and condensed) to comprise the school year.

Goals and Objectives:

In general, to learn and think critically for a broader understanding of the U.S. Government and Civics.  In addition, to improve critical thinking, writing skills, research skills, and oral communication skills. 

Teaching & Learning Strategies

Historians do not just verify facts; they argue with one another over what the facts are and what they mean. It is important that students know certain dates or names, but they are only engaged in historical study when they have the skills to argue about the meanings of those dates and the significance of those names.  Writing assignments help promote discussion, leading students to think historically (and critically) about the American past. (Dr. Austin, Misericordia University)

Helpful Resources: