11th Graders

Mr. Budd's 11th Grade Class

Welcome to Mr. Budd's 11th Grade class page! This page is where you can find a multitude of things that will help you be successful in Mr. Budd's English Language class! Each week Mr. Budd will post the following items on the class homepage: 

Week 28 Lesson Plan 

Poll of the Week 

Please fill out the Google Form attached below to participate in the poll of the week. Participation in this poll will be counted as a homework grade and the poll will be discussed/debated at the beginning of class this week! 

Classroom Resources 

In this section you may find all resources that will be used for class this week. 

Week One Classroom Resources: 

Week 2-3 Classroom Resources: 

Week 4 Classroom Resources 

Week 8 Classroom Resources 

Week 9 Classroom Resources 

Week 15 Classroom Resources 

Week 16 Classroom Resources 

Week 18 Classroom Resources 

Week 20 

Week 28 


Mr. Budd's Best of the Week

Song of the Week 

Money for Nothing

~Dire Straits

Another classic rock song. This song was written and produced by the band Dire Straits in 1985. I personally love this song because of the guitar riffs and use of bass. 

Movie of the Week 

Monty Pyhton and the Holy Grail 

King Arthur and his knights are tasked by God to find the legendary Holy Grail. During their journey, they encounter various people and obstacles that hinder them on their quest. This movie is produced by a British comedy group and satirizes the search for the Holy Grail. This is a movie that is filled with simple dumb jokes. My Dad and I love this movie, but my Mom hates it. She claims that it is stupid and not funny. You be the judge! 

Current Event of the Week

ISIS claims responsibility for attack at Moscow-area concert venue that left at least 60 dead

This past Friday, Russia experienced its largest terror attack in decades. Four armed gunman killed at least 60 people as they attacked a concert venue near Moscow. The four suspects were appehended and are due to appear in court. Putin in a press conference claims that the terrorists were tasked by Ukraine to carry out the attack. However, now ISIS is claiming responsibility for the attack. 

Video of the Week 

This is extremely accurate about where I come from. What are some common mannerisms or slang words used in Northwest Bulgaria? 

Mummy Photos 

Utilize the following drive link to view the Mummy photos from the previous week's class!