
How Rabbi Weekends Work:

Services on Friday at 7pm 

Adult Education at TBS on Saturday (use services Zoom link)--times being adjusted for after High Holy Days

One-on-one meetings with the Rabbi for various reasons (schedule with the rabbi as needed)

Sometimes a Saturday evening social.

Hebrew  School session information will be shared with families


March 22-25 TBS

April 18-24 includes Seder on April 23 (second night)

May 16-19

June 6-9

Services will be in-person and offered virtually through Zoom.  

Zoom Temple Beth Sholom Services

We plan to use the same meeting throughout the year. 

Meeting ID: 868 1935 3990

Passcode: 183672

One tap mobile

+19294362866,,86819353990#,,,,,,0#,,183672# US (New York)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 868 1935 3990

Passcode: 183672

Find your local number: 

How will TBS use the CDC Risk Levels?

High Risk: Everyone is asked to mask, no Oneg or outdoor Oneg if weather is conducive.

Medium Risk: Everyone is encouraged to mask during services. Those who would like to take their Oneg to go may take their items while everyone remains masked, and then all will be invited to unmask to eat.

Low Risk: Masking is optional, but encouraged to protect our vulnerable community members. Oneg will continue without restriction, but individuals who would like to take goodies to go, are welcome to do that before it gets under way.