qm/qc simulation for swcnt with a defect

An effective multiscale computing scheme based on QM/QC (quantum mechanics/quasicontinuum) is applied for simulation of Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) mechanics. First, quasicontinuum simulation of deformations of curved crystalline structures is conducted to examine the fully nonlocal behavior of CNTs with the aid of high-order interpolation functions and the ''cluster'' concept, which facilitates accurate energy approximation for crystals. Next, a multiscale computing approach based on QM/QC hybridization is devised, and applied for simulation of CNT mechanics. For studying electronic properties coupled with the mechanical deformation of CNTs, the change of the electrical properties from an initial semiconductor into metal under mechanical bending is investigated. Single-walled CNTs having various types of defects and subjected to uniaxial tension are considered for fracture. The theoretical strength of the CNTs in the presence of each defect is computed based on the QM/QC hybrid scheme, where in the defect neighborhood is modeled as a QM zone for a first-principle-based calculation using density functional theory (DFT), and the remaining area as a QC zone. This multiscale computing approach greatly improves the accuracy in the prediction of the failure strains of CNTs over a purely molecular mechanical or quasicontinuum method.

Electronic structures under mechanical loading

Recently, the electromechanical properties of CNTs have attracted much interest, largely based on their promise for application for ultra-sensitive electromechanical sensors. In a recent experiment (Tombler etal.,2000), it was demonstrated that the electrical conductance of a CNT changes when the middle part of a suspended nanotube is deformed by a sharp AFM tip. Using QM/QC hybridization, we investigate the change of electronic structure by bending a defect-free (10,0) CNT up to 90° degrees. The strain energies and calculated geometries versus the bending angles are shown in Figs. 1(a) and (b). For the bending simulation of a CNT, the chirality is (10,0) and the length is 12.9nm. One-third of the tube, which is the shaded middle zone in Fig. 1(b), is modeled with MM zone and with a QM subdomain located at the center of the MM zone, and other regions are coarse-grained with 160 cubic elements. The atomic structures optimized by the QM/QC hybrid model are similar to those from fully atomistic model or QC simulations, because the CNT is free from defects and there is no change in the bonding configurations between carbon atoms. The energy variation with respect to the bending angle in the hybrid simulations is almost the same as the results calculated using QC alone. A kink occurs at the center when the bending angle reaches approximately 52°, which is indicated by an abrupt protrusion on the energy curve in Fig. 1(a). The kink formation was observed to cause nonlinearity in the strain energy, and sp2–sp3 rehybridization. Upon bending, important changes in the local density of states of s and p electrons and increased s–p mixing are observed to develop. As the bending angle increases, the bandgap of the CNT decreases (see Fig. 1(c)), and the initially semiconducting CNT suddenly transforms to a metallic nanotube after the kink formation (see Fig. 1(d)). The electronic structure changes are expected to have important implications with respect to the low temperature electrical transport properties of CNTs and real applications as ultra-sensitive nanosensors.

Fig. 1 The strain energies and calculated geometries versus the bending angles. (a) Strain energy curve with respect to bending angle for (10, 0) SWCNT. (b) Equilibrium configurations of atoms with respect to each bending angle. (c),(d) Density of states which corresponds to band energy.

Failure of CNTs with various type of defects

The equilibrium configuration near the vacancy at each strain is obtained from the present QM/QC hybrid method for each of the semiconducting and the metallic tubes, and is presented in Figs. 2(a) and (b). In every pair of figures inside each box in Fig. 2, the upper one indicates the top view of the atomic configuration while the lower the side view. For the (10,0) CNT, an initial crack occurs, perpendicular to longitudinal tube axis, at the site of a bond close to the vacancy. In the metallic CNT, the failure propagates across the bonds with 30° from the longitudinal tube axis. Again, it is not possible to obtain this detailed configuration at the point of failure from the QC solution, as most of the force fields including TB-G2 and MTB-G2 are far from being accurate near failure point due to the bond breakage.

Fig. 2 Tensile stress versus strain curve and equilibrium configurations near the vacancy at different strains obtained from the hybrid scheme (a) for the one-vacancy (10,0) and (b) for the one-vacancy (5,5) tube. Note that the upper figure shows the top view and the lower figure the side view in a pair of figures inside each box.

Next, we study the effect of a 5/7/7/5 SW defects on fracture of CNTs. The armchair type or (5,5) CNT is known to undergo plastic deformation through the Stone–Wales (SW) bond rotation under tension according to the breaking strain map reported by Dumitrica et al.(2006). The SW flip leads to the so-called 5/7/7/5 dislocation dipole, where in the pentagon pair is oriented along the axial direction (see the lower left part of Fig. 3). Once the SW flip occurs, it introduces an imperfection, which serves as a stress concentrator, generally weakening the CNT. In this context, we study the effect of one preexisting SW defects of 5/7/7/5 type shown in Fig. 3 on fracture of the CNT under tension. The CNT is the same as considered for the previous fracture simulation under tension except it contains the SW defect. The stress–strain curve, obtained from the hybrid method, is presented together with the equilibrium configurations in Fig. 3. Here again, in each pair of figures inside each of the boxes, the upper one indicates the top view of the atomic configuration while the lower the side view. The failure stresses and the failure strains predicted, by each of the QC and the QM/QC hybrid schemes are summarized together with those for one-vacancy defective CNTs in Table 1. The failure strain and stress values for the (5,5) tube with the SW defect, where pentagon-pentagon rings are placed along the axial direction, are found to be 20.0% and 93.4GPa, as obtained via hybrid calculation. On the other hand, QC calculation using MTB-G2 predicts 15.4% and 82.7GPa (see Table 1 for detail), so that the failure strain and stress is 23% and 11.5% lower, respectively than the hybrid results. The onset of crack propagation for the armchair tube with the SW defect occurs across the bond oriented 32° from the tube axis (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Tensile stress versus strain curve and equilibrium configurations near the SW defect at different strains obtained from the hybrid scheme. Note that the upper figure shows the top view and the lower figure the side view in a pair of figures in side each box.
Table 1 Failure strains and stresses of CNTs with one-atom vacancy defect or a Stone–Wales (SW) defect.

admd simulation for rare event of swcnt with a sw defect

The movement of a 5|7 defect in the plastic deformations of a carbon nanotube (CNT) plays the role of dislocation glide in the plastic deformations of metals. This work is concerned with the atomic shift mechanism of the 5|7 defect and the energy barrier when the CNT is subjected to tensile loading. Action-derived molecular dynamics (ADMD) is applied to find the minimum energy path and the energy barrier. It is found that the tensile loads make it easy for the 5|7 defect to glide, and lower the energy barrier. The minimum load level that makes a 5|7 defect glide freely with no energy barrier in the presence of an adatom is obtained.

Glide of a 5|7 defect under tensile loading

The initial state means the initial configuration, as given in Fig. 4(a), and the final state is the final configuration, as given in Fig. 4(c), which is are obtained after the shift of one 5|7 defect. Since the internal structure changes due to the shift of the 5|7 defect, the constitutive relation comes out different.

Fig. 4 Model of (7,7) single walled armchair CNT without external forces

Using the aforementioned model, ADMD calculations is performed for various values of the external loadings. Firstly, the profile of the potential energy versus time is shown in Fig. 5(a) for the armchair CNT. In this energy curve, the highest energy point is the transition state and the activation energy barrier for one 5|7 defect mobility. As seen in Fig. 5(a), the activation energy barrier decreases when the tensile loading increases. The results indicate that the tensile force is very important in decreasing the activation energy barrier in that the tensile force is somehow connected to the glide force of the 5|7 defect. The activation energy barriers depending on each force constant is shown in Fig. 5(b). It may be interesting to find the flow stress that makes the activation energy barrier zero in order for the 5|7 defect migration to glide. However, the internal bond of the 5|7 defects breaks before the free glide of this defect takes place.

Fig. 5 (a) In the case of armchair CNT, potential energy curves for various force constants (fbc) and (b) activation energy barrier for various force constants (fbc)

For mechanism of the 5|7 defect glide in the armchair CNT, obtained are the snapshot zoomed in when the glide takes place with no external loading applied, as is shown in Fig. 6. Note that bond number ① and ② are broken first, and the bond rotation follows to form the new bond ③ and ④. The glide mechanism in the presence of external loading is the same as the case with no loading.

Fig. 6 Snapshots in SW transformation in the armchair CNT: (a) initial state, (b) transition state, and (c) final state

The effect of adatom

It is well known that the presence of adatoms substantially reduces the energy barrier for various processes that involve bond breakage and creation in CNTs and fullerenes. Indeed, it is reported that additional iodine atoms can assist the coalescence of C60 molecules inside single walled CNTs in the actual experimental environment. In this context, the change of energy barrier is explored for the 5|7 defect glide in the presence of a carbon additional atom.

Consider two armchair CNTs in the presence of an adatom under different boundary conditions. The first is subjected to no external forces, while the second is subjected to an external loading of the force constant . The potential energy profiles are shown in Figs. 7(a) and (b). Fig. 7(a) represents the overall potential energy profiles versus the image numbers or the step indices for the two CNTs with different force constants. The time from the first image to the last corresponds to the entire duration of the pathway from the time the adatom comes into the CNT to the time another atom leaves the CNT (see the green adatom and the yellow atom leaving the CNT as depicted in Figs. 8(a) and (c)). Each of the two atomic configurations that correspond to these energy profiles is shown in Figs. 8(a) and (c). The size of the time step is taken to be for this computation. One in Fig. 7(b) shows the zoomed-in energy profile between points A and B of Fig. 7(a), while the other in Fig. 7(b) shows the zoomed-in energy profile between points C and D in Fig. 7(a). This energy profile is obtained from another calculation after further refining the interval between A and B, and between C and D with the time step size of .

Fig. 7(a) shows that the energy barrier for the glide of the 5|7 defect is in the absence of the external loading, and zero when the CNT is subjected to the loading of . These are much lower than , which is the energy barriers in the absence of an adatom (see Fig. 8). This reveals that the adatom plays the role of a catalyst in the glide reaction by way of the SW transformation.

Fig. 7 Potential energy profiles depending on the force constant for the armchair CNT (a) The overall energy profiles over the entire time duration obtained from the time step equal to (b) The refined energy profiles between A and B, and between C and D, obtained from the time step size equal to .

The details of the corresponding pathway for the atoms are depicted in Figs. 8(a)–(d). Fig. 8(a) and (c) show the atomic configurations for each of the two loading cases versus the typical image numbers indicated in Fig. 7(a), which corresponds to the major changes in the bonds, except for the image numbers between A and B, and between C and D. The ranges between A and B, and between C and D are described in Figs. 8(b) and (d), which show the atomic configurations for the typical image numbers indicated in Fig. 7(b) for the two loading cases.

According to Figs. 8(b) and (d), the bond ① first is broken, and the bond ② is created. Next, the bond ③ is disconnected and the bond ④ is generated. Subsequently the bond ⑤ is broken and the bond ⑥ is created. Lastly the bond ⑧ is formed after the breakage of the bond ⑦, and this completes the glide of the 5|7 defect through the SW transformation. As shown in Figs. 8(b) and (d), two bonds are not broken subsequently, as they were in the absence of an adatom. Instead, one bond is first broken, and then a new bond is formed before the second bond is broken. This process requires a lower energy barrier than the subsequent bond breakage taking place in the absence of an adatom.

Fig. 8 (a) and (c) show the atomic configurations for each of the two loading cases versus the step indices indicated in Fig.. 7(a) except for the configurations between A and B, and C and D. (b) and (d) show the atomic configurations for the step indices indicated in Fig. 7(b) for the two loading cases.

qc for cnts

The novel computational scheme known as quasicontinuum (QC) has been widely utilized over the past decade for exploring extreme/multi-scale phenomena in the spatial domain, such as, mechanical behaviors of nanostructures or defect behaviors in crystalline materials. This work reports on the recent extension of the QC method to simulate mechanical behaviors or deformations of curved crystalline bodies such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs). In addition to QC implementation utilizing high-order triangular elements, this study presents a new QC approach based on what is known as “variable-node elements”. This proves to be extremely efficient when combined with a fully automatic adaptive refinement. Several numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the new method.

Bending simulation for SWCNT

For the bending of a CNT, the chirality is (24,0) and the length and the diameter is 24.2nm and 1.9nm. The loading condition is given in terms of the prescribed displacement on both ends. The total number of atoms is 5,376, corresponding to 16,128 degrees of freedom. The number of degrees of freedom for the QC model is 7,680. The energy versus the bending angle is presented in Fig. 9, in which the comparison is made between the two solutions; the first is the solution from the QC with the present rectangular elements, and the second is from molecular mechanics. The good agreement between the two solutions is apparent. The undeformed mesh and several deformed configurations are shown in Fig. 9. In this bending simulation the atomic level stain is calculated as shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 9 Strain energy curve with respect to the bending angle for a (24,0) SWCNT: The solid red line indicates the result using molecular mechanics, and the dotted blue circle indicates the QC with variable-node elements. Equilibrium configurations of atoms and meshes using the QC with variable-node elements at various bending angles
Fig. 10 Second invariant of strain with respect to the bending angle for a (24,0) SWCNT

Twisting simulation for SWCNT

The torsion of a CNT is simulated, with the same specification for the bending case. This model is described by the QC model with 2,916 representative atoms and 576 elements. This simulation is performed only 54.2% of the total degree of freedom. The undeformed mesh and several deformed configurations are shown in Fig. 11. The energy versus the torsion angle is presented in Fig. 11, in which the comparison is made between the two solutions; the first is the solution from the QC with the present rectangular elements, and the second is from MM. As shown in Fig. 11, the result of QC is in good agreement with the result of MM. However, in the torsion simulation, the deformation is less localized than the previous bending case. Therefore, the error of the torsion simulation is relatively larger than the bending case. In this twisting simulation the atomic level stain is calculated as shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 11 Strain energy curve with respect to the twisting angle for (24,0) SWCNT: The solid red line indicates the result using molecular mechanics and the dotted blue circle denotes the QC with variable-node elements. Equilibrium configurations of atoms and meshes using the QC with variable-node elements at an initial mesh and a final configuration of atoms
Fig. 12 Second invariant of strain with respect to the twisting angle for (24,0) SWCNT

Adaptive meshing result

The example considered is the adaptive simulation for the bending of an armchair type CNT with chirality (40,40) under the loading shown in Fig. 13. The tube length and the diameter are 52.34 nm and 5.5 nm, respectively. The total number of the carbon atoms is 33,360, which corresponds to 100,080 degrees of freedom. The number of the nodes of the initial mesh is 984, corresponding to 2,952 degrees of freedom. The number of the total degrees of freedom increases to 36,510, including the inner displacement degrees of freedom, when the bending angle reaches 22˚ (see Fig. 13). In actuality, this example was chosen for adaptive refinement in the QC using the triangular element. The present solution from the QC by the 12-noded rectangular element is compared with each of the solutions from and from molecular mechanics in Fig. 13. The three solutions are shown to be in good agreement. The initial undeformed mesh and several deformed states are presented in Fig. 13. The QC by the rectangular and the variable-node element is much more efficient in terms of the solution time than the QC by the triangular elements. Furthermore, a mesh generation code is unnecessary for the rectangular element case, whereas the mesh generator TRIANGLE was used for the triangular element case.

Fig. 13Strain energy curve with respect to bending angle for (40,40) SWCNT. The solid red line indicates the result using molecular mechanics, and the green square QC with adaptive meshing refinement employing the triangular elements. The blue circle denotes the QC with adaptive meshing refinement employing the rectangular and the variable-node elements. Equilibrium configurations of atoms and meshes using the QC model with adaptive refinement using variable-node elements at each bending angle


Molecular dynamics simulation of nanoindentation and nanolithography by AFM are conducted to study homogeneous nucleation of various defects, and their subsequent development and interactions as well. In nanoindentation, dislocations found to be initiated on the slip plane off the loading axis and to form a loop, are emitted onto the bottom surface.

During nanolithography via AFM, dislocation loops are emitted along the top surface, and resourceful defect interactions such as, formation of void trail via the motion of a jog, and creation of extended nodes and stacking fault tetrahedrons are observed. The effects of the scratching depth, speed, and orientation on the resulting defects are discussed as well.

Nanoindentation by AFM

Nanolithography by AFM

(Sukky Jun, Youngmin Lee, Sung Youb Kim and Seyoung Im, Large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of Al(111) nanoscratching, Nanotechnology, 15, 1169-1174, 2004)