Journal Articles

The (Incomplete) MPRG Bibliography: 2000-2022

Our goal in putting together this bibliography of journal articles was to highlight the publications of past and present MPRG members and to capture the exponential growth of the field since MPRG was founded in the early aughts. All told, MPRG members have published more than 1,250 articles on moral psychology, broadly construed. Any undertaking to compile a sprawling bibliography like this is destined to be incomplete. Moreover, the myriad styles of references that were used by MPRG members on their CVs (ranging from APA, Chicago MLA, Blue Book, and everything in between) couldn’t always be regimented and the formatting was often lost along the way (e.g., the titles of journal articles aren’t italicized, hyperlinks aren't preserved, etc.). If you go to the Group Members section, you will find links both to the homepages and Google Scholar pages of members which will direct you to where to find their publications (including book chapters, which were not included here). We plan to update this bibliography at the beginning of each new year moving forward.

MPRG Bibliography.pdf