What pilot participants think about the interventions

Some participants' opinions about both interventions during intervention pilots:

Social Norm Campaign Intervention

Male Participant A: “I was impressed by the video of Fatima the pilot because it is very difficult to see a female Muslim from Northern Nigeria to be a professional in this field. I wish someday my sister will become one (pilot) in the future.”

Female Participant B: “Some parents that cannot read or write but have grown up children that can read were asked to be helping their younger ones.”

Mobile-Learning Intervention

Male Participant C: “We are sure that with interventions like this one, there will be more children enrolled in school in the future”.

Female Participant D: “One of my neighbors who doesn’t like to send her children to school was motivated by the device given to my child. She told me that she will talk to the child’s father so that their child will be registered in school and she congratulated me and my child.”