STEM Celebration


Activities this week are all about celebrating the 4th of July! Remember, we would love to feature some of your student’s work on our social media outlets. You can help us with this by using the #STEMATHOME hashtag and tagging the Oakley STEM Center (@TNTechSTEM) on your posts.



Pie is for Sharing

2 - 6 years

Stephanie Parsley Ledyard

A picnic, a beach, a pie cut into pieces and shared with good friends.

Pie is for sharing.

It starts off round, and you can slice it into as many pieces as you want. What else can be shared? A ball, of course. A tree? What about time?

Through the course of one memorable Fourth of July picnic, Stephanie Ledyard and Jason Chin take young readers through the ups and downs of sharing in this lovely picture book.

Guest Reader: Abigayl Meadows, Graduate assistant at the Oakley STEM Center.

Video Production: Gary Bradford our AV Specialist at the STEM Center.

*This video has been posted with permission from Roaring Brook Press.


How do you Celebrate.pdf

How Do You Celebrate?

Follow the star ribbon while you color to see activities you can do to celebrate the 4th of July!

Pie is for Sharing.pdf

Pie is for Sharing!

Split play dough pies and learn about fractions!

Brain Freeze.pdf

Brain Freeze!

Make your own ice cream!

Fresh Fireworks.pdf

Fresh Fireworks

Make a firework design on a plate!

Density in a Bottle.pdf

Density in a Bottle

Watch the beads split and learn about density!

Kelly Experiment.mp4

Density in a Bottle Demonstration

Dr. Kelly Moore, Faculty from the College of Education walks you through the Density in a Bottle experiment.


Firework Magic

How do fireworks work? How are fireworks different colors? Learn all about them by watching the videos below!




Kyle Wendt, a student worker at the STEM Center showcases different rockets, and launchers available for check out from our Lending Library.

The Oakley STEM Center is home to a valuable resource for your classroom, community organization, or family engagement events. The Lending Library is a collection of instructional equipment the STEM Center has been building up over the past several years.

To learn more about the Lending Library, and how to gain access to these, and thousands of other items follow the link below.