Rockin' Robots

STEM AT HOME is a new initiative to deliver weekly STEM activities that parents/guardians can use to help engage their students during the current school closures. We will be featuring different topics and giving parents access to printable STEM activities for their students to complete throughout the week.

Activity documents will be updated and available for download below.

If you have any questions, contact Carlos Galindo at or Ashley Pompell at


Activities this week are all about robots! Remember, we would love to feature some of your student’s work on our social media outlets. You can help us with this by using the #STEMATHOME hashtag and tagging the Oakley STEM Center (@TNTechSTEM) on your posts.



Randy Riley's Really Big Hit

4 - 8 years

Chris Van Dusen

Randy Riley loves two things: science and baseball. When it comes to the solar system, the constellations, and all things robot, Randy is a genius. But on the baseball diamond? Not so much. He tries . . . but whiffs every time. Then, one night, Randy sees something shocking through his Space Boy telescope: it’s a fireball, and it’s headed right for his town! Randy does the math, summons all of his science smarts, and devises a plan that will save the day in a spectacular way. Once again, Chris Van Dusen winds up his visual humor, dizzying perspectives, perfect pacing, and rollicking rhyme and delivers a hit to make readers stand up and cheer.

Guest Reader: Amber Spears, Faculty from the College of Education at Tennessee tech.

Video Production: Gary Bradford our AV Specialist at the STEM Center.

*This video has been posted with permission from Candlewick.



Kelly DiPucchio and Matthew Myers

Clink was a state-of-the-art robot with the dazzling ability to make toast and play music at the same time. But that was many years ago.

Now kids want snazzier robots who do things like play baseball and bake cookies. So day after day, Clink sits on a shelf and sadly watches as his friends leave with their new owners. He almost gives up on ever finding a home—until the day Clink spies a boy who just might be able to be the right one for him. . .

Guest Reader: Kelly Moore, Faculty from the College of Education at Tennessee tech.

Video Production: Gary Bradford our AV Specialist at the STEM Center.

*This video has been posted with permission from Candlewick.




Color and cut out the robot pieces. Mix and match parts to create different robots!

High Climbing Robots.pdf

High Climbing Robots

Explore the world of friction and watch your robot climb!

Handy Dandy Robots.pdf

Handy Dandy Robot

Use engineering to make your robot hand come to life!

Design a Robot.pdf

Design A Robot

What task is your robot designed to do?

Hopscotch Coding.pdf

Hopscotch Coding

Code a hopping game program for friends to follow!


Make A Robot!

Click and drag different parts from the parts bin to the construction area to create a robot!


LendingLibrary Robotics.mp4

Lending Library Robotics

Kyle Wendt, a student worker at the STEM Center showcases different robots available at the STEM Center Lending Library.

The Oakley STEM Center is home to a valuable resource for your classroom, community organization, or family engagement events. The Lending Library is a collection of instructional equipment the STEM Center has been building up over the past several years.

To learn more about the Lending Library, and how to gain access to these, and thousands of other items follow the link below.