Platform Independent

We are also working on developing platform independent apps to estimate MOSCED parameters and thermodynamic properties.As of now, GC-MOSCEDIP v1.0 and MOSCEDcadIP is ready to use.The download link is provided below.

All you need to do is fill out the survey(link provided below) so we can keep a mailing list of users for news, future bug fixes and updates.The zip file contains the GC MOSCED object code ,groups text file which the app requires and MOSCEDcad object code and MOCSED data text file.To get started refer to the Readme textfile in the folder with the instructions.The app is written in c++ and the link for c++ compiler is provided in the link below as well.

Survey & Download LInk : Here

c++ compiler link : Here & Here

If you are a WINDOWS user and you want to run our platform independent apps, follow the link to download and setup c++ compiler in WINDOWS.

WINDOWS c++ compiler link : Here