MOSCED-CAD is a WINDOWS based desktop application that can be used to predict major thermodynamic properties using MOSCED model at its core level. This is a free to use application with an easy user interface and minimum system requirement. The major motivation for developing MOSCED-CAD v1.0 was to provide a free tool for users in the chemical industry looking for solvent screening and predict important thermodynamic properties, serve as an educational tool for students and a valuable research tool in academics for finding cost effective processes and solvents.

The software package is stored in Google Drive to ensure everyone can access the updated software anytime and users without Gmail account also can access the drive.

There are two versions of MOSCEDcad available right now. The first one is the Graphical User Interface(GUI) version ,which requires Microsoft dependencies such as Microsoft Access , Microsoft Connectivity Engine and Microsoft Net framework. To download that ,all you need to do is fill out this survey form about your contact information and the download link is provided once you fill out the survey. To get started a user manual is provided along with the software in the folder.

Software Requirements for GUI:

The second version is a console executable application that runs on WINDOWS platform without any additional Microsoft dependencies . This is recommended for people with no administrative privilege on their PC to install any other additional software to run the GUI version.Fill out the survey and the download link is provided at the end.

The main purpose of the survey form is to keep a mailing list of users using the application, so we can provide news on updates, bugs and new features releases. All this information would be kept privately and will only be used for mailing purposes.

In return for the usage of this application, all we ask from you is to cite all our work on MOSCED, revised MOSCED , original MOSCED and Yaw’s Antoine Coefficient data. Any feedback related to the application, bugs and error in database would be extremely valuable to us.