What we do

Modal logics are a family of formal systems based on classical logic that improve its expressive power allowing to reason about modes of truth: epistemic, doxastic, temporal, normative, information updates, etc. Substructural logics are weaker deductive systems than classical logic that can account for notions of truth other than Boolean, such as constructive proofs and computation (intuitionistic logic), degrees of truth (fuzzy logics), local contradictions (paraconsistent logics), and others. The aim of this project is twofold:

(1) Putting forward a comprehensive and unifying logico-mathematical study of substructural modal logics, that is, substructural logics with modalities.

(2) Exploring the application of substructural modal logics outside the bounds of mathematical logic and, in particular, in the areas of knowledge representation; legal reasoning; data privacy and security; logical analysis of natural language.

The MOSAIC scientific goals have been organized in 5 Work Packages. Details can be found here.

MOSAIC builds on the previous RISE action Sysmics: Syntax meets Semantics – Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics.

The international conference Syntax Meets Semantics (SYSMICS 2019) was held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on January 21-25, 2019, hosted by the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation of the University of Amsterdam. This conference was the last of SYSMICS’s planned meetings