
General questions on how to organize a Secondment and on the logistics and administrative aspects of our project, are answered below.

In addition, we invite to consult the slides of the short presentation made during the MOSAIC Kick-Off Meeting. The slides can be downloaded here.

  • Which staff members are eligible for funding?
    Any PhD Student, Postdoc researcher or Professor is eligible, if he/she has been employed at the sending organization for at least six months prior the starting of the secondment.

  • I will leave soon. What should I do?
    1) 9-12 months before leaving, contact you host;
    2) 3-4 months before leaving, let
    us know about your intentions;
    3) at least 1 month before, fill the “leaving form” in the
    Secondment section.

  • I am back from a secondment. What should I do?
    Please, fill the “Coming back form” in the Secondment section. Please also fill in the EU questionnaire accessible at this link. To access the questionnaire you will need the following information: Grant Agreement Number: 101007627 and the Acronym: MOSAIC.

  • What should I do if I have a publication related to MOSAIC?
    Make sure you have properly acknowledged the project (see below), upload a preprint of you paper on arXiv and send both journal reference and arXiv link to us.

  • Why should I upload my work on arXiv?
    H2020 has a “mandate for open access”. It means that we need to ensure open access to all publications linked to MOSAIC. This is satisfied by uploading your work on arXiv.

  • How do I proper acknowledge the project?
    In acknowledging the project, please use exactly the following sentence:
    “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101007627”.

  • How long should I be seconded to complete a secondment?
    Any span of time longer than one month constitutes an eligible secondment e.g., two stays of 20 days each at the same host by the same researcher form a perfectly fine secondment.

  • Are traveling periods considered within the secondment duration?

  • When does the project end?

  • Can I be seconded (partially) after the end date of the project?

  • How much time I have to dedicate to the project during a secondment?
    You must work full time on topics of relevance for the project.

  • How do I calculate my reimbursement?
    Please let us know the exact dates of departure and arrival back at the sending organization and we will calculate it for you.

  • Can I participate in a conference during my secondment?
    Yes, if the conference is relevant for the topics of our project and it is close to your host organisation.

  • Is there any funds to cover my expenses for participating in a conference/workshop/school?
    No. But you can ask the local organizers of the event if they plan to provide support.

Other relevant information can be found here. It is a list of FAQs related to RISE projects that covers (among other issues) most of the information about the implementation of a secondment.

Finally, you can download here a short presentation of the project.