Peter Morton

Website of an Australian Humanities academic

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Associate Professor (Academic Status)

College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Flinders University


South Australia

peter.morton AT

Updated Mar 24

    Click on Sidebar items on this page to see my published work which I have put on line. Expand the headings as necessary. 

    Consult my Bibliography for a complete list of publications, citations, prizes, reviews, etc. 

    Some of my books, including The Vital Science (how biological theory influenced on Victorian literature), After Light (a history of early-modern Adelaide), Fire across the Desert (my history of Woomera & the Anglo-Australian Joint Project), my edition of the Grossmiths' Diary of a Nobody, my 'The Busiest Man in England' (a biography of Grant Allen and his times) & Lusting for London (a history of Australian literary expatriates) are available in various forms here, as well as material about them and reviews of them. 

    I maintain pages on this site on various subjects that interest me: on George Gissing; a very large collection of materials relating to Grant Allen,  and another set of pages on 'The Diary of a Nobody'.  I try to keep these up to date, with variable success. 

    On the Sidebar also are copies of, or links to, my work, including writing on the current status of parapsychology research, on Adelaide Writers' Week; on early-modern authors' attitudes to London, on  David Malouf's 'An Imaginary Life', on fictional attempts to promote the Earl of Oxford as 'Shakespeare', on Evelyn Waugh's interest in 'The Diary of a Nobody', and a partial bibliography of writings about Darwinism and literature

    There is a sampling of my journalism and reviewing work also, and three examples of published short stories.   

   My latest book is an edited collection of 12 of Grant Allen's lesser-known short stories, with introductions and textual notes. See under Bibliography.

 I am not teaching topics at Flinders, but retain my academic status in respect of research and other activities.