Planning Application

This Consultation Exercise has been prepared by Persimmon Homes South West and Redrow Homes Ltd in March 2020 prior to the submission of a planning application to Somerset West and Taunton Council.

The application will consist of:

"A hybrid planning application comprising-

  1. Outline planning application with all matters reserved, other than points of access and the Eastern Relief Road, for a phased residential and mixed use urban extension at Monkton Heathfield Phase 2, including up to 1,600 homes, up to 7.6 hectares of employment land on the north east part of the site, 8 hectares of land for a new secondary school, a mixed use district centre, highway linkages connecting the A38 and the Eastern Relief Road, land for a new 600 space 'Bus and Ride' facility and associated works.
  2. Detailed proposals for Phase 1 comprising c.300 dwellings (C3)."

Pre-Application Engagement

The Developers and Somerset West and Taunton Council ("The Council") have been actively working together to deliver this project over a number of years. Since Spring 2019 this has intensified following Taunton's Garden Town agenda. Pegasus Urban Design have been working closely with the Council's masterplanner, Thrive, to align the concept plans to create a deliverable, new garden neighbourhood masterplan.

The Council carried out consultation on the Core Strategy which included consultation on the allocation of Monkton Heathfield for a comprehensive urban extension.

The Developers have also carried out their own public consultation detailing the proposals for the allocation. The level of community engagement, including the feedback gathered through this website will feed in to the future planning application.

Previous consultation event organised by the Developers in 2019.

Design Review Panel

The Design Review Panel comprises a group of independent, multi-disciplinary construction professionals working in the field of the built environment.

The Panel provides impartial expert advice to applicants and local authorities on design issues in relation to important new development schemes and proposals for important public spaces, including both significant minor applications, major planning applications and pre-application development proposals.

A Design Review Panel session for Monkton Heathfield Phase 2 was succesfully held on 24th March 2020. Formal feedback from the session will be provided by the Panel to shape the development proposals submitted as part of the planning application.