Mechanism of Mating and Migration

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See the migration in action!! (2)

Over 3000 Miles!

4 Generations!

1 Destination!

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Monarchs can be tracked through labels!


There are many programs that empower citizen scientists like you to help! Tagging, data collection, and parasitism sampling are all ways you can promote research and help to save the Monarch migration. Click below to find out how you can be involved! 

Migration Resources Are Seasonal

-Hover over the image carousel to view all of arizona's milkweed-

Migration timing relies on resource availability. When the flowers die, it's time to leave (3)!

Monarch Mating Mechanism!

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Watch a video about the mating process (3)

Learn about mating  at the overwintering site during the 4th generation! The gift of a large spermatophore increases the female's chance of survival during her migration back north. The male dies one week later after copulation. 


Watch this short clip to view mating in action (1)

Mating In action!

Juvenile Hormone (19)

Reproductive Diapause: 

"A period of physiologically enforced dormancy between periods of activity." 

-Merriam Webster's Dictionary(21)

The Monarchs in this video are preparing to leave their winter home in Mexico (5)! They are no longer under reproductive diapause and are preparing to head north to lay their eggs. The males will not make this journey, but will mate and die in Mexico. 

The Importance of Antennae


The ability to sense chemicals through receptors (8).

Female Monarchs utilize chemoreception to find their milkweed host plant (1)!

Microscopic image of a Monarch Antenna! 

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The ability to sense light through receptors (8). 

Antennae aid in migration as they allow the Monarch to sense the direction of the sun (8)! 

Time Compensated Sun Compass

Circadian Clock :

" Being, having, characterized by, or occurring in approximately 24-hour periods or cycles (as of biological activity or function).

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How does it work?