Adaptive Value

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Adaptive Value:

"The property of a given genotype when compared with other genotypes that confers fitness (q.v.) to an organism in a given environment."

-Oxford Reference(22)

The Value of Mating Through  Migration (3)

Intergenerational Migration

-Allows for greater access to resources as different species of milkweed bloom at different seasons.

-Generations 1-4 coincide their migration stretch with the availability of resources in that region.

-Migration allows for each generation to maximize their fitness in a quality environment. 

Genetic Variation

-As populations migrate, mating is not restrained to small population size. Western and Eastern population overlap increases genetic variation and therefore increases population fitness.

Overwintering and Reproductive Diapause (19)

-Delaying the release of juvenile hormone prevents monarchs from mating until a suitable environment for their offspring is available(19). 

-Many die due to a lack of food and a harsh environment. However, those that do survive are the strongest, passing their exceptional genetics to the next generation(19). 

Continuing On!

Watch to view the western monarch population's migration progress(6)!

The Monarch Migration at Risk: (23)

Monarchs struggle to find food as their migration route is invaded by society. Unless they can  continue to find food and their milkweed host-plants, the migration will cease to exist. Researchers have sadly observed a major decline in the migration behavior of North American Populations as the butterflies seek out tropical milkweed growing year round. The migration is now in extreme danger of extinction. 
