
Collaborations / Research:

The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in Brazil. Dr. Castro Morphology of Fallopian Tube

Tufts University. Dr. Igor Sokolov, Cell biomechanics

University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), Rinaudo's Lab, and Dr. Nazari from Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble and UoT, on biomechanics of Fertility 

San Francisco State University, Department of Biology, Dr. Chen

Developing new biopolymers for the food, pharmaceutical, and personal care industries

Report, See Page 16

University College London California (UCSF), London , Dr. Moeendarbary 

Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT), Grodzinsky Lab

Poroelastic behavior and water permeability of Human Skin at the Nanoscalecs Collaboration wit MIT and L’Oreal
Accepted for publication at PNAS in July 2014 (IF12.7)

UoT, In-vivo skin mechanics, and Infertility research


Previous Research

Research Scientist-Senior-postdoctoral-Postdoctoral Associate, MIT, Aug 2011-2015

Postdoctoral Fellow, Physical Therapy Department, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta, 2010-2011

·       Developed a robotic testing environment for studying the stiffness of the spine and assessing the co-activation of complex trunk muscles.

·       Designed a new fast and controllable resistant system for an existing wheelchair ergometer. 

Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Alberta, 2006-2010

·       Designed, built and tested a novel piezo-actuated semi-active variable stiffness vibration isolator (Awarded work)

·       Introduced the concept of making a variable stiffness spring by using kinematically singular prestressed mechanisms

·       Introduced new application for cable driven mechanisms and tensegrities that were used in in Robotics and Structural Engineering (Patented idea)

·       Developed and evaluated cable-driven mechanism and tensegrity as variable antagonistic stiffness element

Visiting Research Student in Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Spring 2010 

·       Evaluated a concept of making a compliant variable stiffness tensegrity

Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, 1998-2000

·       Developed an interface for a six axis load cell, Mechatronics Lab.

·       Developed an eight degree of freedom handling simulation software for passenger cars with 3D presentation of the model.

Undergraduate Project, University of Tehran, 1998

·       Developed a ride quality simulation package for passenger car and motorcycle (Silver medal for Design)


Massachusetts institute of Technology (MIT), Grodzinsky Lab, Visiting research scientists,

 Published in Physical Review Letters

  News Link

Adding  time dependent models and technique on recently awarded AFMs with JPK Instruments

Internal collaboration  at SFSU with Dr. Joseph Chan,  on Bacterial Cells

Presentes at CSUPERB 2018