Tracking Destiny
Aboard the Research Vessel Moira
Do you believe in destiny?
Do you feel each creature in our world has a special role to play?
Have you ever wondered about the role of humans, and about your own place in the scheme of things?
Have amazing coincidences ever happened to you that simply could not be chance, or rationally explained?
Life is so complex science, until very recently, could not say what it was.
Life is also so simple even the smallest bacterium does it with no problem at all.
You and I grew ourselves from a single egg.
We repair and guide our fabulously complex body without a clue as to how it works or why.
Most humans on our planet could not say how many bones there are in their hand, yet each one of us grew our own hands and can do amazing things with them. We each have a mind capable of creating and operating ourself, but our conscious mind has no access to it.
Why not? There are controls at work, but what are they? How on earth do they work?
Questions like these drew me into biology, then into evolutionary science. The more I discovered, the stranger it all seemed.
Join Freddy and me on a global quest to seek the answers. Together we will reveal the threads that weave our becoming from the cosmos. It is a voyage beyond the horizons of perceptions into This Magic Sea of knowledge.
Our expedition will take us deep into the South Pacific where we will visit some of the most unusual and beautiful places on Earth. This is a real expedition, carefully documented, and though it will seem very strange at times, it is an accurate account.
I am Richard Chesher, Ph.D., your expedition facilitator, photographer, author, publisher and marine biologist.
I'm fascinated in the process of becoming; evolution of the grand scheme of life and of each individual life - like yours, mine, or the myriad beings that share our planet with us.
From the viewpoint of the creatures in the process of evolving, the forces controlling what happens to them are totally invisible and, to them, unknowable.
The ancient Greeks thought the forces of fate were three sisters, the Moirae. It's where the name of our boat, Moira, originated.
Together, we'll stalk the three sisters of fate and develop special methods to observe them and find out how they work. It won't be easy, but it will be interesting.
Frederique Lesne (mostly called Freddy) is Captain of the Research Vessel Moira.
Born in French Morocco (North Africa), Freddy is a delightful mixture of humanity, mostly French, with Mongolian and Italian genes mixed in to add spice to her extraordinary skills.
Her ancestors were corsairs (pirates that paid booty to the King of France). They settled in North Africa just prior to all the beheading of the French Revolution. Her Grandfather was an adept at dousing and other interesting and related perceptions. When Freddy was a baby she became very ill. Her Grandfather injected her with sea water and the illness vanished, leaving behind a child of the sea.
Here is what you'll find on this expedition:
I hope you enjoy your expedition to This Magic Sea. As scientist aboard the Research Vessel Moira, I assure you that the information reported here is factual.
The Error of Expectations
The first cruise follows the invisible wake of the Moirae from
Taiwan to Hong Kong, the Philippines, Palau, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Australia.
Along the way we make a series of discoveries about impossible coincidences called synchronicities.
Our detective work unravels (with the help of a Cachalot whale) an astonishing awareness of This Magic Sea.
The Interval of Surprise
The second cruise heads to Papua New Guinea to explore the wonder of This Magic Sea in the full richness and diversity of the Louisiades and Trobriand Island culture and in isolated ocean wildernesses.
Returning to Australia, we are immediately captured by an ancient sage and set on a quest to rescue three ancient sea spirits from the clutches of evil.
Megabeast Perception
The third cruise begins in a violent storm on a submerged atoll called Elizabeth Reef in the middle of the Tasman Sea.
The trail leads to New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands, Fiji, Wallis Island, Western Samoa and ends far out in the middle of the Pacific on the island of Tutuila.
This is the hydrographic phase of the voyage when we attempt to chart This Magic Sea - spending quite a lot of time in New Caledonia and Fiji along the way.
The Moirae
The Moirae in Greek Mythology, are the three sisters of Fate.
Click Here to find out more about them and why I named our research vessel the Moira and how they commissioned the Pacific Voyage in search of the forces of evolution.