This Magic Sea
A biological exploration of what life is and how it evolved.
Understanding the phenomenon of life is like a mental hologram; comprehend one aspect of the process of life and you can expand your knowledge of life in an almost infinite number of directions.
There is a problem, however. Understanding the phenomenon of life has been evasive because our language and philosophical foundations polarize discussions about the process of life into either physical or spiritual issues. This polarization actively prevents our understanding of the process of life.
So, let's put those well beaten "serious" paths and polarizations aside and plunge into another, more entertaining and light hearted approach. Let's side-step our parochial human perspective and look at life from the viewpoint of life in the Sea. Think of it as a riddle, with the links leading off to clues on solving the riddle. Here it is.
A challenge from the creatures of This Magic Sea
The creatures of Sea challenge you to understand their Thread of Awareness from the viewpoint of each phrase, and as a threaded message connecting all the phrases. Each phrase in the challenge is a menu item connected to a more detailed exploration of the concept.
The best way to explore This Magic Sea is to read the entire message without clicking on any links so you have an overview of the subject.
Each term in the menu is a highly compact summary of a whole area of understanding. Don't worry on the first reading if you can't figure out what it means - and please try to read it through without agreeing or disagreeing or stopping to wonder about a particular phrase. The riddle uses familiar words, but their definitions may be unexpected.
After you read through the message click go back and click on phases or concepts you are interested in to find clues to the meaning of each phrase in the riddle.
In each expansion of every phrase you will find cross links that allow you to navigate through This Magic Sea guided only by your own thread of awareness.