MoFiR 2021: Program
The workshop is scheduled in the European afternoon: hours correspond to CET (Italy time). Each day will have 2 sessions with 2 full presentations (plus discussion) each and 1 session with 3 shorter presentations (without discussant). In the main sessions, each paper is allocated a 40-minute slot: 25 for the presenter, 10 for the discussant and 5 for Q&A. In the short presentations sessions, each paper has a 15-minute slot and there are 15 minutes at the end for Q&As. Questions can also be done on a parallel chat online.
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Day 1: June 21, 2021
Session 1
Chair: Andrea Presbitero (Johns Hopkins University and CEPR)
2.00-2.40pm (CET) Granular Credit Risk
8.00-8.40am (EST) Sigurd Galaasen (Norges Bank)
Rustam Jamilov (London Business School)
Ragnar Juelsrud (Norges Bank)
Helene Rey (London Business School and CEPR)
Discussant: Sebastian Doerr (Bank for International Settlements)
2.40-3.20pm (CET) Monetary Policy, Labor Income Redistribution and the Credit Channel: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee and Credit Registers
8.40-9.20am (EST) Martina Jasova (Columbia University)
Caterina Mendicino (European Central Bank)
Ettore Panetti (University of Naples Federico II)
Jose-Luis Peydro (Imperial College London and CEPR)
Dominik Supera (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania)
Discussant: Emanuele Tarantino (LUISS & EIEF and CEPR)
Short presentations 1
3.30-3.45pm (CET) Who Pays the Price? Overdraft Fee Ceilings and the Unbanked
9.30-9.45am (EST) Jennifer Dlugosz (Federal Reserve Board)
Donald P. Morgan (Dartmouth College)
Brian T. Melzer (New York Fed)
3.45-4.00pm (CET) Liquidity Insurance vs. Credit Provision: Evidence from the COVID-19 Crisis
9.45-10.00am (EST) Camelia Minoiu (Federal Reserve Board)
Tumer Kapan (IMF)
4.00-4.15pm (CET) The Allocative Effects of Banks’ Funding Costs
10.00-10.15am (EST) Anne Duquerroy (Banque de France)
Adrien Matray (Princeton and CEPR)
Farzad Saidi (University of Bonn and CEPR)
4.15-4.30pm (CET) Q&A
10.15-10.30am (EST)
Session 2
Chair: Isha Agarwal (University of British Columbia)
4.40-5.20pm (CET) Investing in Crises
10.40-11.20am (EST) Matthew Baron (Cornell University)
Luc Laeven (European Central Bank and CEPR)
Julien Penasse (University of Luxembourg)
Yevhenii Usenko (MIT)
Discussant: Alan Moreira (University of Rochester)
5.20-6.00pm (CET) Credit Allocation and Macroeconomic Fluctuations
11.20am-12.00pm (EST) Karsten Muller (Princeton University)
Emil Verner (MIT)
Discussant: Björn Richter (Pompeu Fabra University)
Day 2: June 22, 2021
Session 3
Chair: Alberto Zazzaro (University of Naples Federico II)
2.00-2.40pm (CET) Exorbitant Privilege? The Bond Market Subsidy of Prospective Fallen Angels
8.00-8.40am (EST) Viral Acharya (New York University and CEPR)
Ryan Banerjee (Bank for International Settlements)
Matteo Crosignani (New York Fed)
Tim Eisert (Erasmus University Rotterdam and CEPR)
Renee Spigt (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Discussant: Antonio Falato (Federal Reserve Board)
2.40-3.20pm (CET) The Rise of Bond Financing in Europe
8.40-9.20am (EST) Olivier Darmouni (Columbia University)
Melina Papoutsi (European Central Bank)
Discussant: Cynthia Balloch (London School of Economics)
Short presentations 2
3.30-3.45pm (CET) The Carrot and the Stick: Bank Bailouts and the Disciplining Role of Board Appointments
9.30-9.45am (EST) Christian Mücke (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Loriana Pelizzon (Goethe University Frankfurt and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
Vincenzo Pezone (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Anjan V. Thakor (Washington University, Saint Louis)
3.45-4.00pm (CET) Bank Runs, Bank Competition and Opacity
9.45-10.00am (EST) Toni Ahnert (Bank of Canada and CEPR)
David Martinez Miera (University Carlos III Madrid and CEPR)
4.00-4.15pm (CET) Bank Balance Sheet Constraints and Bond Liquidity
10.00-10.15am (EST) Johannes Breckenfelder (European Central Bank)
Victoria Ivashina (Harvard University and CEPR)
4.15-4.30pm (CET) Q&A
10.15-10.30am (EST)
Session 4
Chair: André F. Silva (Federal Reserve Board)
4.40-5.20pm (CET) Dirty Money: How Banks Influence Financial Crime
10.40-11.20am (EST) Janet Gao (Indiana University)
Joseph Pacelli (Indiana University)
Jan Schneemeier (Indiana University)
Yufeng Wu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Discussant: Tomas Williams (George Washington University)
5.20-6.00pm (CET) Anti-money laundering enforcement, banks, and the real economy
11.20am-12.00pm (EST) Senay Agca (George Washington University)
Pablo Slutzky (University of Maryland)
Stefan Zeume (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Discussant: Thorsten Beck (European University Institute and CEPR)