Welcome to The Home of the minnesota elite

 Our misson

Our mission is to provide a quality, competitive softball experience for 14U, 16U and 18U softball players.  Our players will learn the game, meet new teammates, and have fun in the process.  Our coaches will make personal connections to help athletes learn and grow to become the best version of themselves.  Winning is fun, but learning how to handle yourself in pressure situations and the results that come from them are valuable life lessons.   We value multi-sport athletes and have a competitive pricing structure allowing well-rounded growth.

 Our core beliefs


We believe in building solid personal relationships.   Our athletes will make new lifelong friends and have positive coaching role models all who will help players develop as people.


We believe in teaching the fundamentals of the game.  Our goal would be that when our athletes can no longer play the game, they could have success in the coaching ranks.  Many of our past athletes have continued to pass the love of the game on to the next generation.


We believe that you are only young once and athletes should experience as many activities as possible.   While we want our athletes to be dedicated to our team during the season, we also see value in learning competition and getting many forms of training.

Tryout Info 2024-2025

Register for tryouts using this link:


2024-2025   We offer Ala-Cart-Pricing!

Year Round Fall Winter Spring Summer $3000

Fall Spring and Summer $2000

Winter Spring and Summer $2000

Summer only $ 1500


Dan Rubischko - 612-747-2244 or drubischko@gmail.com